Have you ever had a miracle happen to you?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by untamedlion33, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. i'd like to hear about some of those little miracles in life all of you have experienced. just last month my mortgage company was getting ready to accelerate my mortgage because i was a week late on payment. Wells fargo dosnt play when they say the 5th of the month they really mean it, one day late they will feed you to the wolves. well i was watching tv while on the phone with my best friend just chatting about this and that. the news was on and it was talking about the japanese nuclear reactor exploding... you know those sorts of things. then a guy in the backround was standing next to a att bilboard with his thumb up at the camera. idk why but it interested me so much i remembered i had att stock and havnt bothered checking on it for about 6 or 7 years. well apparently it split 3 times doubled then split again enough so much so the amount my share was worth was exactly 189,376.36 which was the exact amount it cost to pay off the acceleration notice on my house. a few days later i won a scatch off for the toatal amount of $8,000 which was a little more than what i needed to pay the taxes on cashing in on the stock but it's low enough to ware i dont have to pay taxes on my winnings. needless to say i no longer have a mortgage but all in all it was in no way a coincidence i mean how do you suddenlly get the exact amount it costs to buy your house out right when your getting ready to foreclose. and to think i was told by everyone dont buy stocks when i bought those shares. Im conviced the universe, god, buddah or who ever you want to call it always gives us exactly what we need.
  2. I don't believe in miracles.
  3. well dont post anything then
  4. God really must love you, untamedlion33. It's a shame that little girl in Congo with childrens cancer is going to die in total agony and fear, begging god for mercy, however. Man, he really works in mysterious ways.

  5. Tragedy is terrible, yet necessary.

    Suffering is man's greatest learning experience. Suffering = development, it is a type of spiritual learning that goes beyond the mind and becomes a part of a person's essential make-up. Suffering teaches a lesson that cannot be forgotten, nor can it be undermined.

    We have all been that little girl in Congo with cancer before.... or at least something on a similar level of suffering. You may not remember it but it has made you who you are today. If you haven't suffered like that yet (which honestly, you almost certainly have), you will in a future life.
  6. What a load of fucking disgusting, repulsive life-destroying gibberish. The little girl in my example needs to suffer, was intentionally made to suffer, because we need that to learn? What a simplistic, human-invented, profoundly fucking stupid thing to say. You are so profoundly delusional and stupid it defies all reason.

  7. :(

    I has a sad now....

    Obviously what I said seems quite sadistic if you believe that there is no god and no afterlife.

    All things happen as they are meant to happen.... all things happen in the only way they can ever happen. All things are perfect.

    Now, I am not saying we shouldn't do everything we can to help that little girl.

    In fact I am going to Africa in 2 years to go help as many people as I can. We should all try to help those who are suffering.

    What else is there in life other than helping others, than ending suffering? All other goals are secondary.

    But if we are able to help that girl we are meant to.... it is part of that girl's spiritual path.
  8. #8 ArgoSG, Apr 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2011
    It really takes a nimble mind to perform such gymnastics. Spiritual path? If Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles Manson, and Ted Bundy are the holy trinity. You argued:

    1) Extreme human suffering is necessary for learning
    2) Everyone suffers extremely to a similar degree.(On it's face this is just so profoundly wrong and stupid, it's no surprise you were forced to include:)
    3)Everyone will suffer in another life. (What the fuck are you even talking about? Did you divine this gem after dropping acid for the four hundredth time?)
    4)Surely you would never imply that we shouldn't prevent suffering. Yet suffering is necessary. Cool. Awesome. Good job.

    This is what irrational beliefs, and likely, long term neurophysiological conditioning through powerful hallucinogens do to the human mind. I have breaking news for you, and anyone reading. If taking large doses of acid, shrooms, and cannabis made you smarter, we would have discovered it by now. It doesn't. It tends makes you a fucking lunatic, depending on how prone you are to nonsense to begin with.
  9. #9 thabosshogg, Apr 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2011

    1. Yes (though people learn in different ways, so every lesson is obviously not taught by extreme suffering... some, however, are)

    2. The only reason everyone suffers to a similar degree is due to past lives... Obviously in this present life suffering varies widely from person to person. But in the long run it all equals out.

    3. Well, there is some suffering in every life, so yes. We all have at least a few lives of intense suffering.

    First off. I haven't done drugs in 2 months. I have tripped perhaps 15-20 times. Not that much, considering it has been spread out over the last few years. I base no knowledge off of trip experiences... Everything I believe is based on what I have realised in a sober mindset.

    You asked how I know about past lives. Have you ever tried past life hypnosis/regression. There are also meditations one can do in order to see one's past lives.

    I do all these things completely sober, and while I have only glimpsed one of my past lives (vividly relived the experience) during a meditation, it was certainly an unforgettable experience, one that makes sense in relation to the experience of my present life.

    Many children also remember their past lives... in fact you yourself may have had memories of past lives as a child (many do). However your parents condition you to shut out those memories... adults just take children's past life memories as overactive imagination.

    There are many documented cases of children remembering things that they should not have memory of (experiences from many decades/centuries ago).

    4. This may seem hard for you to understand. All things happen as they are meant to. Free will is a vehicle for fate.

    I am not trying to be negative with you. Obviously I have made you quite upset... I am sorry if my beliefs hae made you feel angry.

  10. idk I cant say suffering is necessarily a bad thing. just hear me out cause i know your getting tense now. suffering drives humans it's our nature. we suffer and we find a way out of suffering. we starve then we learn to eat. this girl granted is not able to eat. but the whole world knows she's starving and the whole world knows there is a whole society just like her. so then the whole world puts there heads together to figure out why this girl is suffering. this is whare the magic is. she isnt starving because her people are particularly incapable of farming. the country is incapable of farming due to international policy that requires countries to stay valed countries if they farm using exspensive chemicals and equiptment. of which most farmers can not afford. so the country she lives in has to make a choice to either starve his nation or remain a country. now that they whole world knows this steps are currently being taken at the U.N. to do away with these ridiculas polices so that industrial farming is not the only form of farming that is globally legal. right now if you go to those countries there is significant progress, not much but enough to brag about. yes this girl may die tomorrow but 10 years from now her people will be better off because of her example. and in no way is that statement fabricated.

  11. Hehe, I am not tense.

    I agree with everything you said.
  12. You don't seem to understand the contradiction you made. a)Extreme suffering is necessary. b) The elimination of suffering is noble goal.

    Children remember past lives? Cool. You know what else children do? Make up bullshit. You're extremely gullible, and believe in bullshit on bad/no evidence. If you weren't so credulous, maybe you wouldn't say profoundly disgusting things.
  13. what does any of this have to do with the miracles you guys have had in your lives? just wanna get you guys focusing. lol.

  14. Obviously it is futile to try to get you to understand what I am saying.

    I have not insulted you ever, and yet you are insulting me.

    Usually that is a sign of having a deep-seeded problem with yourself. Then you take it out on others for no reason. I have done nothing to you. I see this pattern in many of your posts.

    Perhaps it would make you feel better if I told you you are intellectually superior to me, and that I am a gullible, stupid ignoramus.

    I think this discussion is not going anywhere....Have a nice day, and I hope you feel better.

  15. I, unconsciously, dropped my iPhone 4 in a puddle on a rainy day and left it there for a solid two minutes. It still works perfectly.

    I consider that a miracle.
  16. #16 1bakedpotato, Apr 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2011
    Op and boss hog are right, in my book. I don't have the best life to most society, i've done some fucked up shit I regret yet learned from. You can sit there and say "Well you're a fucked up person" blah blah but I know what I know. I'm not set in stone that there is a God per say that sits around making decisions for humans like YOU suffer, while this one doesn't.

    Last night I started thinking about death again. I'm not afraid of my time to go, because it's all a part of the plan. I was watching TV and thought well, if i'm going to die I want to feel the pain, I don't want to go quietly.. Like laying in a bed dying of cancer would be a blessing in disguise.

    It may sound fucked up to you, but that's why you need to just worry about your personal experiences and not what people tell you or people say.

    They say the man works in mysterious ways, and the only reason it's mysterious is because we can not comprehend it to the fullest extent, we can only comprehend our personal perspective on it.

    This resonates with me, [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1RQmnSJoRg[/ame]
  17. I'm here, which I consider to be miraculous. But that's not what you're talking about, I presume :)

  18. Do you celebrate your b-day? Christmas? Holoween? Easter? Anything?

    Could you be happy a SINGLE day in your life? Could you smile just once? Did you eat today?

    If ya ate today, or even yesterday, Why didn't ya go an find that li'l sufferin girl in the conga with the cancer? Why didnt ya go feed her instead? Dont ya give a shit?

    How could YOU agro, live your life while this li'l girl dies?

  19. Jackass^
  20. It does not make you INTELLIGENT as in the forms of schooling and tests and IQ and all that jazz, but it gives you a different perspective on life.

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