Demon or Evil Presence Following Me

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Crypto Tech, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. #1 Crypto Tech, Apr 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2011
    Hello Grasscity. I have an issue right now that is affecting me and is becoming apparent to those around me. I will give you an effective timeline that I believe is the source of the issues as well as going in depth into the issues that have been unfolding. Enjoy:

    The Beginning:

    I wake up at 0600, to go to the place I hate the most: school. The normal daily routine begins, but, on this morning the routine that follows this very day will be very different.

    Upon entering the school I go to the normal place I sit. With my friends. This morning I took initiative to greet a crowd of people I see all the time, but have never encountered: the weird crowd. You know, the clique that everybody else writes off as crazy, weird, or just plain not mother fucking cool.

    So I make my way across the cafeteria and make my presence there known. I already know one of the girls who frequents this table, but is usually elsewhere. For the sake of preserving her identity, I will refer to her as Astaroth. So anyways, I sit down after being welcomed at the table, and listen to their conversations. They seem normal for the most part, but some subjects get a little weird:

    "Hey, you know that girl over there?"
    "Yeah, she's such a bitch, I hope she gets hurt."

    That right there should have set off red flags, but no; me being the curious person I am, I stay and try to make friends with people I have no intention of remaining friends with and would later write off and show false affection to.

    Later, I remember pissing Astaroth off. I was kicking somebody elses desk that was a friend of hers just to be an asshole, you know, annoy that person to the point where they snapped and act like nothing happened. She later told me to be careful whom I annoyed, quote on quote:

    Note: Right now, as I'm writing this, I feel a sudden urge to stop where I am and not write about it anymore, to scrap it and put it to the back of my mind.

    7 months later in Indiana, I remember a strange crowd coming to my cousins house. The were part of the same sect, the same crowd: Wiccan.

    So we're just chilling, everybody but me was smoking weed (I was waiting to be processed into the Navy), except for the two Wiccans in the corner, and I felt it to be very odd that the two people were in the corner, farthest in the room away from me. I asked them why they were sitting so far away from me, avoiding conversation with me. They told me:

    I feel odd around you. The other said that he can feel an evil presence following me. They told me this in private.

    I brushed it off, along with my brother who told me they were batshit crazy.

    Later that day, my cousins girlfriend told me that her baby started crying in the middle of the night. She got up to fix it a bottle of milk in the kitchen and walked towards the babies room. Walking down the hallway she stopped, because she felt that somebody was watching her. She turned around and saw me standing behind her, just staring. She asked if I was okay and I said nothing, and stood rooted on the spot. She ignored me and went to the babies room and gave her the bottle, walked out and saw me sleeping on the couch. She walked up to the couch and asked me if I was awake. No response. Then she turned around and walked towards her bedroom. Midstep she heard, now bear with me guys, this is what she told me, a "maniacal laugh" coming from where I was sleeping. This bugged her the fuck out and she proceeded to run to her room and go back to bed.

    1 month later: Boot Camp:

    Not much to tell here other than reports of fellow recruits telling me that I would say odd stuff in my sleep. One recruit while on watch even told me that I suddenly rose from my sleep: looked around, and went back to sleep. I was later discharged for ADD.

    3 months later: My current situation.

    Upon arriving at my parents house, I started getting my life together. But some weird shit has been happening that seems to revolve around one thing: Fire.

    The first incident that I can recall is with a cigarette. We had this pot outside that had a special kind of dirt that puts out cigarettes and degrades them really fast. It has been used 100's of times, but in this incident, it was my cigarette that caused the damage. The cigarette I put out in it almost burned the house down. The pot erupted in flames while I was inside, and if it were not for my dad pulling in shortly afterwards, the fire would've spread to the rest of the house. The pillar holding up the awning in front of the house was charred and still is.

    Not even a week later, I singe my eyebrows and eyelashes trying to light a cigarette.

    Two weeks later, driving home from work, my trucks engine has a exhaust leak followed by an oil leak. I go to wal-mart and purchase oil to fill up the oil tank. Driving home 6 hours later from work, I hear a "put, followed by a screech and then silence" from my engine. I think nothing of it. I arrive home, park the truck and get out. I notice a glowing light coming from the engine. I pop the hood and realize that the engine is engulfed in flames. I run inside, my father grabs the extinguisher, and we run out. By the time we get there, the fire is tiny, nothing like what it looked like when I parked. He puts it out.

    5 days later, after working an alternative solution to the issue of travel, I hitch rides from my parents. I get "Fired" from McDonalds.

    On the same day I post a thread up and get "Flamed" numerous times.

    The day after, I'm not able to find the place where I'm supposed to meet up with two people that could help me get my job back. I get angry because I asked my stepmother if she could take me, knowing I would get lost, and she said no. I tell my father this and she gets "fired" up over it. Me and my dad on that same day see a movie: Insidious is about a Demon trying to possess a little boy who has a "Face of Fire."

    Other notable incidents is my ability to easily draw the "demon" out of people; pushing their buttons almost comes natural to me, most of the time without me even realizing it. I've also seen shit at night such as a red orb rounding the corner, which a thought was the headlights of a car. I saw the orb starting to come towards me and I pulled out a knife. The orb disappeared after that act of aggression.

    Heh, my favorite song right now is called, "The Flame." It's a song by heavy metal band Chimaira.

    Anybody willing to give some insight on this? Besides saying, "you crazy?"
  2. Walk into a church and see if anything weird happens.. no seriously.

  3. Done that. Shit don't happen. This isn't the movies brah.
  4. #5 1bakedpotato, Apr 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2011
    Lol, not just like bust into flames but someone say something to you - my mom had something like that happen to her when she was little, she was feeling "haunted" by it or whatever, and she walked into a church and the pastor sat her down and had some stupid church godly thing and it went away.

    and edit:

    you didn't get flamed on GC because of demons, just other peoples opinions.. the fire thing could just be your mind worrying about the shit people have said and you've shrugged off, ya know?
  5. Does anyone else think of paranormal activity?

    That chick would get up in her sleep and just stare while standing for hours at someone.

    Weird shit. I'd go to a psychic type person who specializes in demons and ghosts and the like, and just talk to him about something completely different. Sometimes if you go in and look scared and ask questions about what's been happening to you they just pick that up and run with it. AKA they're fakes.

    I do believe some people can feel presences tho and to a person who can sense those you should put out huge negative vibes right away.

    May the force be with you.
  6. none of that seems that odd. i doubt your haunted.:eek:

  7. Thats the plan. Heh, my father made that clear "just go in there normally" and maybe they will pick it up.
  8. how old are you? If you are between the ages of 17-25 you may be coming down with schizophrenia. In all the sincerety I can give, I'm not trying to be a dick, you maybe should see a doctor.
  9. #10 Parable, Apr 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2011
    My question to you is: Out of all the names to choose you picked astaroth, why?

    Something tells me you are either knowledgeable in a certain area or you're kicking stones. Perhaps both.

  10. Irony
  11. You're looking way to deep into it. Just let it go man, smoke a bowl and let be. Delving into it and trying to find a presence isn't going to solve anything but only make you more paranoid and susceptible, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Try and be on a better vibe perhaps?

  12. Well, it is genetic in our family...
  13. You might be haunted, you might be overacting, and/or you might have schizophrenia. I dont think GC can help you with any of those. Trust your instincts though because If you really feel a Demonic presence, then its probably real. Dont go to a Church to find relief though, but if you do, go to a Baptist Church. When I was 12, I was sleeping and was awaken by a noise. I sat up in my bed and for some reason I looked at my First Communion picture from Second Grade. This picture was a good 6 feet away and out of nowhere it flew at my face and hit me in the chest real hard. I went downstairs and told my Mom because I was freaking, and she asked me If I was walking up and down the stairs 5 minutes earlier because she heard footsteps. We then knew that some crazy demonic shit just went down. So It could happen. I also felt a Heavy presence in that room for a long time. Goodluck, :smoke:
  14. they say demons can only haunt you if you let them in, when did you let it in? where you ever extremely angry at someone before this started happening
    posting gore videos probably isn't helping

  15. Yeah I did let "it" in. I thought it was a joke, at the same time, I thought, hey maybe it would be nice to be a freaky demon controlled shell. Yeah, I was angry at this one kid, but I seriously doubt he was into any of that freaky shit
  16. You need God man
  17. See a priest, seriously.

    Would you mind going into detail about exactly how you "let it in"?
  18. your story creeps me the fuck out

  19. how do you come down with schizophrenia, its not like its a sickness that develops overnight, as far as i know it is something you are born with I may be wrong, I have heard of it developing into a late stage with some people but im no doc. And in my mind I think he's just a little creeped out, could just be some unlucky times for him, i mean he's still alive and not dead.

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