The Importance of ManKind

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by windchime159, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. Iv been reading up on stuff and thinking alot about mankind and what our purpose is. many religions believe that Man is very important in that we are "mirror images" of God or as they say his "Children" [hence hes the Father] with this thought we get the notion that we are very important. but what does that mean? what does that intitle? what responsibility does that come with? where will it lead us? these are the things iv been wondering and thinking about , if anyone has any ideas or thoughts or anything whatsoever share it please

    so im looking for anyone who shares that view point and if any skeptics want to post something just try to make it a "what if" thing. :smoke:
  2. god is subconcious awareness.

    You are able to reach that state of being.

    therefore you are part of god.

    as far as a 'mirror projection' I highly doubt, the godhead is far superior to the ability of mankind.
  3. but if we are "children" and he is "father" then youd think we could grow up

    im not saying we become 'another' god but we 're-join' god

    and saying god is far superior doesn't say we cant walk the path , it only says we have a long way to walk
  4. I believe that we are meant to Ascend and continue our spiritual evolution. But it's definitely not an easy task.

  5. We are not just mirror images of God, but we are Gods ourselves.

    We are Gods. Everything that has ever happened in the history of the Universe has happened so that you could exist.

    From the big bang, up to AD2010 September 19, has happened, so that you will be here, alive, today. If you weren't here, none of this would be here too.

    And being Gods, you are free to do with whatever you wish to do with the lives that you're given.

    You could live a life of a poet,

    Or you could live a life of a rabbit.

    You choose.

    And with this given life, you could do good with it,

    Or you could do evil with it.

    You choose.

    But whatever you do,

    Know that you are responsible for it.

    Right now, it seems us Gods are walking the path of self destruction.

    It seems we are using our Godly power to wipe ourselves off the planet.

    And that is the exact proof that we are Gods.

    Because if there was a God, he would have done the same thing.
  6. Or the non importance of mankind. Take your pick, it's just as likely.
  7. Or that.

  8. i know those are really the only two schools of thought with this , iv always kinda been the non important one but iv been starting to think alot about the other side of it :smoke:
  9. It's pretty ironic that the nonimportance of mankind is best felt in the works of mankind's greatest achievement. The space shuttle.

    When you're outside the shuttle, doing the 'moon walk', or 'space walk', take your pick,

    looking at the blue planet a hundred miles below your feet,

    You suddenly realize you're in space.

    I really want to continue this, but I'm feeling a bit too stoned...

    Can't think straight.

    Too much munchies... sugar high, possible.
  10. haha im pretty stoned too but i think i can keep up with it

    but i dont think the shuttle makes us seem unimportant , its like when the first man created a stone ax how that would lead to the nuclear bomb. the shuttle i the small step that might eventually take us to infinity and beyond:smoke:
  11. It will!

    The space shuttle will take us to the infinity and beyond...

    I saw the space shuttle upgrade the Hubble's telescope, so that the telescope can see even farther than it did before.

    I'm not sure if that's infinity, but it's as close as we can get.

    I'm gonna get some water now... extremely thirsty...
  12. meh, we're not important at all. Just think of how much better this planet would be without us. And if we're so important why did it take "God" billions of years to make us? normally when i go through my day i get the important things accomplished first.
  13. To think humans have any real importance is to have a false sense of grandure.

    Think about one white grain of sand, on a beach of black sand. Different, but ultimatly useless in the whole.

    We make our own purpose. Whatever you want it to be. Humans as a whole move as one, but the individual can still move where he wants. This is looking at the many levels of life. On Earth, we are important. In our solar system, not so much. Outside that, wtf are 'humans'?
  14. maybe importance doesn't come from what the biggest is but what comes from deepest within us... like with that quatum physics shit
  15. Fillet Mignon




    Always fillet mignon...

  16. hmm... very observant..
  17. When you're high, you have heightened sense of observation.


  18. It's a dark road, but ultimately the correct one based on real evidence.
  19. well that's when people start to argue on what constitutes as evidence

  20. I know it's debated, but I think our sense experience (even though some people's senses are messed up) is the only way we have of truly experiencing something. It's the only thing that we can test. I throw a football ten yards, and I can judge/measure based on how far the football is by how far it actually went.

    Mother nature gave our brain everything it needs to survive on Earth. We can hear, see, taste, touch, and smell. It is silly to disregard them.

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