If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by SUBLIMEtreat, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. If you could be any animal in the entire animal kingdom... what would you want to be and why would you want to be that animal?

    I'd probably want to either be a house cat or a sloth. Cats just sleep, eat, and play all day. They don't have to wear clothes either, which is pretty cool. And they have cool designs on their fur. :hello: Sloths pretty much do the same, and every time I see one I just smile and giggle because they're silly looking. I'd wanna make people smile and giggle all the time. :p

  2. biggest species of eagle.

  3. Without a doubt I would be my house cat. He has is made...... Lazy fucker :D
  4. A THC worm, haha, no really.

    Lol, I think I would be a cat. :) Oh the youtube-stardom I would have. :rolleyes:
  5. A seagull. I could shit on people for years and not get bored
  6. A sea turtle, i'f I'm not eaten. I could get turtle pussy for HUNDREDS of years.:cool:
  7. This, or any tortoise

    An octopus, mildly smart, can make shelter, dominant predator, and change colors. Plus my farts are visibly disturbing as well :D
  8. lol this was my 2nd choice
  9. a fuckin panda. they have no natural predators, they can seriously fuck shit up if they wanted to, and they chill out and munch bamboo all day:smoking:
  10. A human. No explanation needed.
  11. A wise-cracking monkey with a cigar.
  12. ^^^That's intresting, because I wonder if some animals ever wish to be human. IF animals had wishes.

  13. Wow... I've never really wondered that before. I wonder if they DO ever wish to be human? Hmmpphh, guess I'll be forever puzzled. :confused:
  14. I'd be a butterfly cuz I'm beautiful as fuck.
  15. the baddest motherfucker in the AK
    lol i googled badass dragon:eek:
  16. id be a fucking megalodon shark

  17. Actually,I'd be a wookiee.Does that count?

  18. Hell to the Yes

    Id be a house cat. Get all the Cat nap you want
  19. a cute little Pichu

  20. Probably a dolphin. They just seem so peaceful and happy all the time. They even have a permanent smile on their face!


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