Its Not My Fault

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by yurigadaisukida, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. Has anyone noticed a trend in developed nations, especially in America, of the tendency of people to victimize themselves?

    It really clicked when I was hanging around the nutrition forums.

    For the longest time I was conflicted about minor details. Why is our system fucked? But I've realized there is a larger contributer here of most of our problems .

    I think one of the biggest problems modern humans face is a general lack of responsibility. People want to be victims and they want to be taken care of.

    I think the problem is so deeply rooted in our subconscious that we can't see it. I mean, is it really our fault?

    Some general beliefs people have, are inherently wrong. They are just irresponsible. Here are some examples.

    "I can't eat healthy I don't have time to cook and I am poor"

    -some of the same people who claim this also tend to be conspiracy theorists and want to say Monsanto has a stranglehold on the food industry. They want it to be the food industry's fault that we cannot eat healthy. Gmos everywhere. Laws making organics more expensive.

    "Evil corperations. 99%. Wealth gap"

    -I don't deny that poverty is a real thing. But a lot of people in developed national falsely claim to be poor. Especially in America. For one, If Americans were poor then we wouldn't have an obesity epidemic. You want to see real poverty? Go join the peace corps.

    That being said, its true that wealth inequality is a real thing. But shouldn't we take responsibility for that as well? We are the 99% aren't we? If there is a problem, society can tackle it, if they want. 99 of us 1 of them. If nothing happens its because WE didn't make it happen.

    "Voting for a third party is a waste of a vote" - because no one ever votes for a third party. Hmmmmmm

    Don't even get me started on the state of our education system in America.

    And what about them guns?

    I see a lot of anti gun people, have socialistic beliefs. They seem to go hand in hand for some reason. They don't want to be responsible for their own safety. But this makes no sense.

    How can a socialist claim that the system is fucked up and corrupted, but then turn around and tell the system to take theirs guns for their safety. How do they expect to change the system?

    I for one am glad socialists don't like guns. It means a socialist revolution wont be any time soon. Lol

    I'm not trying to hate on socialism. Of late if started realizing how people can be a libertarian socialist. It didn't make sense to me before.

    This is related to the topic. In an anarchist capitalist or anarchist socialist society, what I realize is that the two are the same. Both groups want to end government to bring peace and prosperity to everyone.

    In fact, I don't like the terms anarchist socialisn or anarchist capitalism. Because it's really just anarchy and.voluntary interaction either way.

    The point is responsibility. In order to end corrupt leadership and market practices, you need a responsible public who practice responsible consumerism.

    Too many people turn a blind eye to the evils of the world. For example. How many people shop at wallmart? How many people who shop at wallmart admit that wallmart treats its employees like shit? How many people shop at wallmart and admit that wallmart doesn't give a shit about the environment?

    Damn I have to go to work.

    Please don't turn this unto a capitalism vs socialism thread. I realized I opened the door but that wwasn't the goal.

    This thread is about responsibility

    Ill be back with more examples later

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  2. The reason why 1/4 of Americans are overweight is because it's cheaper to buy a dollar hamburger from your local fast food joint as oppose to buying fruits and veggies. Also congress passed a law protecting Monsanto from any criminal charges even if it is found that their GMO's caused health problems. Many countries have banned them, who knows when the U.S will do the same.

    But you're right we are the 99% and our choices can make a difference. Our society is internally-connected and we are all responsible in some way. I don't shop at Walmart because of how they treat their employees, take other places out of business, and all the tax breaks (subsidies) they get. Same with BP after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
  3. Not to mention that corn based products are hidden in 75 percent of the items sold in an average supermarket. Farm subsidies are largely responsible for this mess driving the usage of corn, grain, and other processed garbage which is cheaper than most vegetables and fruits. In this country vegetables are ridiculously more expensive than shit food, which is the opposite of every single country I've ever been in. The point is it's hard to be poor and be healthy, but not impossible.
  4. Bullshit
    A dollar menu Burger from McDonald's ends up being over 10$/lb for meat. You'd be better off buying fruits and veggies grass fed meat.for cheaper.

    I actually.proved. with facts over in the fitness section that you can eat a perfect diet for about 5$ a day. No cooking required. Little to no dishes
    Who elected Congress and keep reelecting them?
    When the us citizens take RESPONSIBILITY and hold their government accountable
    Much respect. I also boycott wallmart.
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  5. Trust me I known I'm allergic to.corn
    Again. This Is the fault of the American people. Our elected representatives made these laws and we keep reelecting then.

    And don't try to say the voting rigged. This country was forged by a revolution. Americans just don't want to be responsible
    this is actually not true.

    Top ramen for the day is about 1$.

    Fresh meat and.veggies for the day is about 5$.

    Yea its a lot.more but not out if reach for the poor.
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  6. I think it's a well endowed doctrine in developed countries. the fact that government, law enforcement, the educational system is so big and powerful entitles people to feel associated with it, to be swayed by its ruling.

    It's funny how jfk said think not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country and got gatted up. Perhaps the context at the time was different, but the message
    Remains...don't be a lazy fuck lol. On top of what you've stated, parents are over willing to hand out shit to their kids, advertising makes it seem like "aaahhhwww we for you to have it so much... we're practically giving it away!!!".. or even getting can buy your way out of's not your fault...if you got the money * cue the finger snap, one eye closed, dude pointing at you.

    The issue as.well is there's no real voice for the 99%.. politics doesn't work for everyone and is excessively corrupt. The issue with having a responsible public is the public is immensely influenced by what it sees. So, in actual fact you have to look at the psychological implications of all of the things the public is exposed to, so as to keep em In line with a righteous, honest living. Once established I have no doubt that people would negate the media as something that wants to adress its own agenda.
  7. The marketplace in the name of profit creates dependency by making people believe they deserve to be served.
  8. Weak will because of witnessing personal or external experience prohibits taking responsibility. If the world is not flat, then life should not be flat. Which mean's reality is three-dimensional, not some grey, black and white film, where we have no real choice. The first act of taking responsibility is realizing it was your choice and the consequence of that choice that caused you to be responsible. If you can't accept that your responsible, then you've just signed your way out of having any say. Even taking no action is an action, and thus even if you say your not responsible, you are responsible because you did nothing. People just like to have an easy life, well then. If you want a easier life, go try living off of the grid. I know that technology has dynamically savagely transformed this society, but simplifying life is not going to be easy when everyone's problems is your problem now that we are a collective-based society. The offset of fear and laziness is initiative and consistency of it. A hero dies only once, a coward a million times. If you have nothing, what have you got to lose? Thus is the nature of the transition from non action to action in society and life.
    As for type's of government? Respect my freedom, and I'll respect yours. As long as you do not violate my part of the home in anyway, I will not wreak devastation on your part. Home, being earth. Justice is nothing without freedom. And freedom is nothing without a sense of responsibility. It is why people associate absolute-freedom(anarchy) to chaos. It is why most anarchists put a -ism,-archy, -cracy, at the end of their title. My type of anarchy? Collectivized Darwin-anarchy, preaching absolute equality of man. Thus Utopian-Anarchist.
  10. Yes blame.someone else! That's the message here!

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  11. I don't think the public is as gullible as you say. I think it's willful ignorance

    It's not like people don't know about gmos, pollution, preservatives, sugar, transfats, 3rd world sweatshops, and all the other shit.

    They just want the government to solve those pproblems for them. Boycotting wallmart is too inconvenient
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  12. This Guy gets it

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  13. I think it's gotten to a point for some of gullibility, though willful ignorance is most to blame.."I just wish someone would do something about it!!!...I can't because I have work tomorrow" lol

    Although people may know about everything you mentioned, how much airtime does it get? They might touch on the issue, but won't really go in depth, tho the Marijuana documentary with, who was it...some famous doctor, struck me. Didn't watch much of it still lol

    Ya gotta wanna.

    We've become much to regimented in daily life, to even give thought to another world view, or tackle an issue we feel is unjust. Guilty myself...
    you missed the point
  15. #16 yurigadaisukida, Aug 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2014
    no I believe it was you who missed the point.

    We are not media slaves. That's another cop out. Its not like people don't know what's going on they just don't care

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    You are basically blaming capitalism

    There is nothing wrong wwith capitalism. The problem is people
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  16. Much respect to your point of view OP
  17. Democrats and Republicans are two heads of the same dragon, they keep people divided on issues that aren't really that important and the irony is their foreign policies are very similar.

    Voting is just an illusion to keep you away from the truth, the truth is you have no choice. Let me give you an example, if I had an apple and a orange and told you to pick one so you can eat for the next 4years. You'd probably be thinking "that's fair, at least I'm choosing the one I want." But really it doesn't matter what you choose because I don't like neither of them and I get to keep all the rest of the fruit (strawberries, watermelon, etc) to myself.

    I know fruits and politics are two very different things but I hope you got my analogy. And to answer your question lobbyist control politicians and when you control them it doesn't matter who elects them.
  18. This is true. I never said It iisn't. But I don't think the sheeple are entirely innocent.
    I don't dispute this either.

    What you must realize tho is that it is still voluntary.

    Voting DOES count, it is just rigged.

    Part of the reason 3rd parties never get elected, is because people wont vote for them, if they think it will be a wasted vote.

    Its a self fulfilling prophecy. "I would vote for him, but no one else is going to so ill vote for the lesser evil"

    Even if the voting is rigged, you'd never be able to succeed in rigging an election if people payed attention.
    For example: if suddenly 50% of the people voted for a 3rd party, but the polls kept saying that candidate is losing; then people would wisen up pretty quick.

    The government is playing off our ignorance but that doesn't mean we aren't partially responsible. Its willful ignorance.

    It matters because the politicians only get bought out if they stay in office. If they think they might get voted out and lose everything, they would be more careful about who's bribes they take.

    The main point here is that people are letting themselves get taken advantage of. Its partially their fault.

    gay marriage is a really really good example. Most people support it. And Democrats keep running on the platform of pro gay marriage.

    And yet, whenever Democrats are in control, you don't see any attempts at all, to legalize it.

    Democrats keep running on the gay marriage platform, and never follow throigh. And yet they keep getting re-elected by people who want gay rights.

    Can you really blame the politicians for that? People just don't want to pay attention. They want to believe that the government will know what its doing and take care of them.
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  19. #20 yurigadaisukida, Aug 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2014
    Last election my sister in law told me she voted for Obama because "he was the cleaner dirty shirt"

    Its not like people don't know its corrupt.

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