really struggling to see why i should continue my life..

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by tokeallday, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. okay first off, I AM NOT SUICIDAL. WHAT I AM DISCUSSING IS PURELY MY POINT OF VIEW AND A PERSPECTIVE,  I WILL NOT BE KILLING MYSELF ANYTIME SOON. hopefully from my observations in this forum none of you will shout at me 'go see a psychiatrist' or 'bro youre depressed go get help or something.
    okay so i just really can't understand what the ultimate point in our existence is. if there was an end goal, if there was something that could continue in my consciousness past death, it wouldnt be so bad, because you wouldn't just suddenly be non-existent. But the truth is, in my eyes, one day youre brain stops sending electrical signals throughout your brain and body, and every thing just, stops. as if it never happened, every single thing you did in life, just ends.
     the only possible reason i can see for existing, is to pass my genes on so that the next generation can possibly find some way to survive and live forever, and perhaps change the universe in some way. otherwise, what is the point. i mean once death arrives at my doorstep, my experiences are officially over for the rest of time. wow. 
    can anyone give me a real valid reason for existence? as much as you want to say 'to live, to have experiences and try everything out, experience emotions and love for family and achieving your biggest fear, revelling in the most joy that is possible' what is the point when it will all go to nothing and we will one day just not know anything? it's pretty harsh, and hard to take in when you look at it like that. it really sinks in deep.
    what do you all feel about this subject matter? will be interesting to read how you all feel about it

  2. It's all about finding your point. I've been "depressed" since I can remember.. It's not a 'boo who, I am sad' depression, just a void. That void needs filled with a purpose, that's why religious people are usually happier because their religion gives them a purpose. Many of us are stuck looking for this greater purpose and there really isn't one. Sure, you can make something up or believe a lie to make yourself feel better, but I am guessing you see through the bullshit.
    So you have to find your purpose, what you want to do, what drives you, and do it.. For me, it's work and dogs. When I am at work, I have a purpose and am usually seen as a top employee. I don't really give a shit about work and most of my employers knew that, but they also know that while I am there it's my purpose and I am happy carrying it out.. Same with dogs, they drive me. When I am around a dog, it feel like it's my purpose to interact with, entertain, and teach them. So I now combined both and have a job working with dogs.. Can't say that I am driven when outside of work/dogs, but when I am fulfilling a purpose, I am happy.
  3. there really is no point. you decide how to live your life and make something out of it or you don't
  4. You honestly create your own purpose. Another person might say that even passing on their genes or leaving a mark on the universe is pointless because they them self are going to cease to exist.
    I have complete belief in an afterlife, because it just makes the most sense. Consciousness doesn't stop, it just continues on in a different form. You won't be the same person you are now, you might not even be a person. You might lack awareness of self perhaps, but what comprises your body, will continue to exist. What comprises your self, your consciousness, the conscious observer that you are, will continue to exist.
  5. You're probably a deep thinker. Your thoughts remind me of some earlier absurdist philosophers. You might even like some of their works. I'm talking about Sartre, Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky, etc. 
    A lot of college kids read L'etranger by Albert Camus, an absurdist philosopher. I think a lot of people who connect with the story l'etranger share a similar mindset to as you. The main character in this story was sitting on death row for murder charges when he was able to come to terms with the universe's indifference to humanity. I'm leaving a big gap out in hopes you check it out yourself. 
    I think you should check out some existentialist philosophers and look specifically at absurdism. You'll find that you aren't alone in your line of thinking. 
  6. I agree and I have these thoughts regularly. My main goal is expansion. You could also call it seeking answers in a sense. When I say expansion I'm referring to more income, more of earths assets, and most importantly building a legacy to put my heirs in the best position to lead humanity in any way they choose. I want to give them a quarter of a billion dollars so money doesn't restrict their horizon and options in life. But I also realize how precious and great life is and I embrace that I always have all I need. Greed is not who I am. That is a societal mis conception. Money is a problem and it needs fixed. I am emotionally detached from the pursuit of money.

    Money is power. Power is everything. I want them to control their reality to the fullest and I think about this everyday I make decisions. We live in a cut throat controlled society and family wealth is key to establishing yourself in the upper echelon where humans can thrive to their fullest if they choose to...

    With that being said. The pursuit of this man made manipulated asset called cash is quit futile in the big scheme of things when you think about it. But money is the outlet to a core humans desires such as imagination/inventions/business/ creativity/ drive/etc can provide them with greater meaning then 99.9 percent of all human life on earth.

    These are my thoughts and how I guide my lifestyle.

    Earths just a big ball of Plato
  7. i am happy with finding my 'purpose' but then the thing that crashes and shits on my 'purpose' is the fact that one day it'll be gone and will have been completely pointless as i will not be existing anymore. it's kinda like an apple. when the consumer is about to eat it, it is in it's most perfect form. then as the consumer takes chunks out of the apple, it begins to rot with bacteria and it eventually ceases to exist.
    thankyou. i have not read into these books, but i am certainly going to check them out at some point over the next week or so.
  8. I'm suicidal! :D, but like, for the time being-, and for a year or two to come, I dunno-, I'll be alive, because if I kill myself, I won't be able to smoke anymore weed..oh and it'd really hurt my parents or something, I guess.
    It's not so bad, I mean since I've pretty much dropped out of socialization and whatnot, I ain't gotta give half a shit about anyone but me, and even then I don't give half a shit about me
    Well, technically the consumer is going to eat the whole thing.. or should, and then they get another one. Same with your purpose, you're not restricted to one.
  10. My goals are to become more spiritual, intuitive, build relationships which I enjoy and get a job I enjoy. Find yours. Ultimately life has not much of a point you gotta find it. Cherish each day at a time. Don't live to die. Which I have trouble doing. Lived in the moment. Enjoy nature drugs and your thoughts. And whatever.
  11. hahaha! i feel like that sometimes too... 
  12. what i meant was it is like the human is the apple, in that case.. in that the apple ceases to exist, not the consumer eating the apple.
  13. I agree with you OP

    Even if you change mankind, help in some way, cure aids, cure cancer, why does that even matter when we just die at the end and life moves on. Sure people will be cured, but their life is just as pointless and they will die one day too.
    Exactly, then you get another apple.. unless in your analogy there is only 1 apple in the world? You don't need just one purpose or one driving force.. and a variety would be your best bet as variety is the spice of life.
    But I get what your saying, what's the point of leaving a mark if the mark is going to be gone when you are.. but that's an assumption that your actions in life won't leave their mark in a butterfly effect of sorts. You could do one minor, purposely driven thing that could snowball for the better and enrich future generations.
  15. im not following that bolded part, pretty contradictory. think about it this way, in all likeliness this is your one shot at existence, you never know when its your day. abyss lasts for eternity, this life lasts for about 80 years. how is that not motivation enough to live?
  16. haha you got the wrong interpretation, the context i tried to say that in was like 'i wont be killing myself anytime soon' not in the context of 'i will kill myself, but it will not be soon' the way i was saying it was essentially the same as 'i won't be killing myself' but it's obviously hard to get that across when communicating on this versus in real life when your body language and the way you say things can give a different meaning.
  17. i sort of get what youre saying. but as to your question of the ultimate goal in life, its just to have a good time and to make a positive impression on people. making people happy feels good, its one of the best feelings you can have. take chances while you can. the quote in my signature sums this up pretty perfectly, but what im trying to say is to live while you can, and to go out doing what you enjoy most.
  18. Were just intelligent animals dude
    Don't overthink it
  19. i guess man .. but because of our intelligence we have the capability to really think of these types of things .. even though at the core we are just the same as other animals.  sometimes i suppose it's just hard to accept it and realise you arent anything special.. just another organism who is born, lives (for however long) and dies..
  20. Nobody will ever discover the meaning of life; that's why we try to live it: to understand. Life's complexities run deep, and so do human minds. It's actually pretty fun to wake up every day and not know what to expect.

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