Don't want my brother to go to jail. Advice needed please help

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by LetsGetLiftedyo, Feb 26, 2011.

  1. Basically my younger brother by 1 year (17 years old) has been going car hopping with his dumb low class asshole friends and our mother called the cops on him when he was gone because she found 2 GPSs and the cops returned the stuff to th people but my Bro is going to be questioned by the cops Anyday and Our mom pretty much threw him under the bus and I want to know what tell him to do so he's not fucked or how the idiot can get his way out of this when the cops question him.

    Please give some valuable help because I don't know what to tell him and please as dumb as he fucking is don't hate.
  2. Even though it's a pretty shitty situation, i feel like your mom did the right thing. If he's being an idiot.. it's by choice. Let him figure out what he needs to do man.
  3. Your brother deserves to be fucked.
  4. Hes 17, won't go to jail, probably just a large amount of community service. Everything he gets, he deserves. Sorry bro, but you really can't have sympathy for people like that. Not to mention GPS units aren't cheap, your mother should have destroyed both of them, then made your brother tell the owners so he could buy them new ones. Doubt your brother would do it again if he had to face the embarrassment and shell out $400+ without anything to show in return except a small amount of decency.
  5. #5 chronicman00, Feb 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2011
    i would tell your brother to stay quiet.

    its not hard to duck the cops but it takes wit.

    its all in the questioning.
    from my experiences and observations, if they have to ask about the situation, they got little to nothing on you so this can be used to the criminals advantage. The lies must be short and have little depth to them so they cant dig and catch you slippin.

    since the cops have seen the GPS and what ever else he stole it would be best for your brother to say that it was received as stolen property not that he stole the shit himself.

    tell him to say "i got it from a friend. he told me to hold on to them for a little while and i didnt ask why. I didnt know they were stolen. I cant tell you his name though because I dont feel like being a rat" theyll probably slap him with a receiving stolen property charge but its better than the other charges he would get if he said he did it himself
  6. What are the chances of him going to jail?

    And im gonna whip his ass if he doesn't get in huge trouble, so he's getting enough shit from me anyway. I just don't want him to give up on his life in general because he have had it hard but I know he deserves to be punished.

  7. slim id say. he didnt hurt anyone but hes likely to get fined.

    if he can be smart and witty about this theyre likely to just give him a slap on the wrist.
  8. If he's got no prior record to this then honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he got off with just a fine.

    I lit a farmers big ass stack of hay bails on fire when I was a young buck and didn't recieve a single charge for it, easily $5,000 in damage + was being charged with 3 felonies before they dropped them.

    Generally if you're under 18 the court system rides your dick. Just beat your bro's ass for getting caught and tell him to quit bein a scrub at crime.
  9. he wont go to jail, i got arrested for car robbing and i just got an ACOD and community service it might not even go on his record if its his first offense, and he'll learn his lesson
  10. Let him go. He needs to learn that was he was doing is just absolutely wrong.

    He's not going to go to jail, if anything they'll charge him, he'll get probation and he'll learn that he needs to work for his shit.

    When he turns 18 it'll be off his record, especially if he cooperates with the cops. Not ratting out his friends, but admitting to stealing.
  11. Yeah probably just community service and some fines..

    When all of that is taken care of you really need to beat the shit out of him and tell him its time to grow up.

    Good luck man.
  12. Tell your bro to not say anything,
    and if he does keep his story strait,
    and dont admit to shit.

    If he gets fucked,
    well hopefully he wont do it again.

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