How much does DMT go for in you area

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by drug, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. per gram?
    per hit?
  2. i paid 6 a hit... not bad for never really being around
  3. I've never come across DMT. . . :( Although I'm sure I could find it if I asked around my connnections. . .
  4. The same price that it costs for some mimosa hostilis root bark, a relatively strong acid, some naphtha and some lye, oddly enough.

    What a crazy coincidence.
  5. ino im goin to cook some up maself
    im just tryin to figure out how much im gonna sell it for
  6. $0 is a pretty good price.

    DMT lab for profit will end in immense failure.
  7. why do you say that
  8. a friend makes it for 50mg/10.00$
    not bad.
  9. #12 MajorStoner, Nov 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2009
    When people have it at parties I've seen them charge anywhere from $10-20 for a 'trip', so like ~50-100mg.

    In grams I'd say around $100, that's what I've always paid. Heard as high as $120 and might be getting some soon for like $70, but that'll probably be a quarter. :D

    Edit: @Cmystic31: You're right, there really isn't a sustained demand for it. If you introduce it into an area that it's never been you could move a lot just getting people to try but it's not something that people will use habitually, it's more like one might go through a "DMT phase". Or personally, when I have the chance to get DMT I'll buy a half gram for personal use and then just hold onto that for a long while, since it doesn't go bad and is easy to store.
  10. Because there's not much of a demand for DMT like there is for- let's say, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, pharmaceuticals etc.

    Unless, you know a lot of people who do it on the regular, you won't be making much profit from it.
  11. i mean im not starting a huge lab
    but i no a few people that will buy hits to try it and some that will buy grams
    i got a kilo of mimosa so i figure ill get 5 grams if lucky but prob like 3 or so which isnt alot to get rid of, and if i do 100/gram ill make a few bucks
  12. My guy makes it so he doesn't sell the drug as much as he does the experience. You pay 10 bucks and he packs a bowl of bud and throws some DMT on top and lets you smoke it right there. You can't just go in and ask for a gram since he doesn't want some noob getting fucked up.
  13. i was thinking about that
    wat if i sold someone some and they fucked them selves up on it
    do trips go bad often?
  14. I have never seen someone have a bad DMT trip but I've heard plenty of stories. It's the most intense psychedelic on the planet, you're in a delicate state. One little thing can turn the whole trip around. You definitely have to be careful.

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