picked up a dimebag of coke, pics

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by steampunktripod, Mar 15, 2009.

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  1. so i'm at a friend's house, and he's just bought an 8ball of coke to sell. him and a third friend of ours who was there did lines, but i had shit to do tha tnight, and didn't want to get messed up just yet. so i asked for a little dimebag to see if i liked it, and he only had big ziploack ones, which i said would work. so he throws a little into a bag, not even sure how much, and is like 'bro take that shit, let me know how it isss'

    i don't really know size vs. amount for coke, can anymore take a guess at this?
    and yeah, it's a typical ziplock bag, with most of the thing visible.


  2. Doesn't look too bad, looks a little pearly thats good.

    this is what an eightball I got looks like.


    Notice the pearly sheen, this was just broken off when these photos where taken, now the whole thing looks like a broken pearl. :D

    Have fun bud, I couldn't do a 10 sack though, I'd wants me some MO'~
  3. a 10 sack of blow...haha
  4. Enjoy that.....gummy.
  5. #5 Diceman, Mar 15, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2009

    lol I thought the same thing.

    But I have given away 10sacks to friends who didnt wanna do lines but couldnt exactly pass up coke...somethin about seein it makes people drop all their monopoly money lol

    Ive given away 5 bags...its just a good line. Cheap asses
  6. ^ *ehem* you what five bags?????
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