Fucking coyotes!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by ninja scrub, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. I live in a very rural area that has a high population of deer, and along with that comes a high population of coyotes. I usually dont have a problem with the coyotes because they keep the deer away (kind of...), but this year they keep bedding down in my fucking grow area! Theres coyote shit everywhere (i heard it was to high in nitrogen for plants), and i plan on using blood meal so i dont want them digging up my plants. How can i keep them out? My piss isnt working.......
  2. piss is am attractant, no dog walks past any type of piss with out checkin it out. they cant tell its human either.

    just get your own smell out there and they stop hangin in that spot. just keep visiting, plus they will move to a different spot with better food/cover when the grasses pop up more.
  3. Damn man shits kinda dangerous!! Be careful and bring a gun if you have one
  4. Damn, that's a bummer. They usually stick pretty hard to spots in the spring, because they just got done establishing their territory with their partner. My best advice would be to make your presence known. Make it a point to go out there during the day and night.

    It's highly unlikely that you'd be in any danger. You;d almost have to step on one of their puppies to bring on a dangerous situation. Coyotes are extremely smart and scared of humans. But you can use this to your advantage. If you do have gun, shoot (at it or not) whenever you spook one up. They will remember exactly where that happened and if it happens more than once, they won't be back. Another option would be buying a coyote call, and then calling one in. From there you could simply stand up and move when they're in sight or shoot if you have a gun. It'll scare the shit out of the either way. I hunt coyotes and have learned this over time.
  5. I think what u need is some tiger piss bro...
  6. I also am a hunter, and I know very well that this post is dead on "the truth"

    great post Carlo + rep for ya bro!
  7. cottonseed meal, flaxseed meal, alfalfa meal, soybean meal, bat guano, kelp, chicken manure, horse manure... all ferts that don't attract animals.

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