What's going on with these plants? Need some help/advice (Pictures Included)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by BluntedByNature, Aug 19, 2008.

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    CAN SOMEONE HELP ME TELL WHAT THE PLANTS ARE DOING, IS THIS WHEN I CAN TELL IF THEY'RE MALE OR / FEMALE ? I know there's alot of advanced growers who post, so many someone can shed some light as to what the next step in my process would be?

    a week earlier:


  2. its a male it has balls
  3. Looks male to me too... I think I see the pollen sacs (balls) near the nodes...

    Could you get a closer picture of one of the nodes (where the branch connects to the stem)?
  4. You've got a boy, if the little nanner sacs have popped and you can see pollen, which looks like fine yellow talcum powder, then you are now growing for seed. If you don't see powder or popped pollen sacs, then gently move it away from your girls. If you want some seed, just leave it where it is, and you will have shitloads of seeds for next year's grow.

    But it's a boy. Hopefully you got it in time, otherwise, you'll still get some bud, and plenty of seeds for the future.
  5. GRATS!!!

    Its a boy... I didnt know what you mean by "whats wrong" because they look really healthy ti;; I saw the 3rd pic! Those are balls alright... Keep him aways from your girls or mother nature takes over, pollen sacks of jr. there will open, and say bye bye to your 4-6 Oz lol...

    GL budd...
  6. Alright, so the plant is a male.. Now I read somewhere you can't smoke male plants, is this true?

    I moved it away from the other 4, so now I either just kill it off or let it produce a whole bunch of seeds? Do buds grow that can be smoked? Or no ...
  7. Being as you only have a few plants which arent that big i would deff say KILL HIM, you only want beautiful females, the male will just produce pollen which will spread to your females (pretty much having sex to reproduce, thats what they do just like every other living creature) so it depends on what your situation is. the plants you have wont yield toooo much so id rather not have any seeds in the buds, also when the female gets fertilized by the pollen the buds potency will suffer because the plant will focus much more of its energy in producing seeds rather than THC, your plants look still to be young into the flowering so u have to kill that bastid ASAP, If you want seeds, which i dont kno why you would unless thats your goal to get more seeds then leave him be, if you just want sweet buds ASSASSINATE HIM lol, i just recently killed a male that was almost a foot taller then my other sexy ladies i was hoping for that one to be a female for the yield but from the beginning of the grow i noticed this plant was maturing much quicker, which i found out to be a common sign of a male, this isnt always 100% true but it helps to pay more attention to that plant

    gooood luck
  8. Other then fucking up your crop males arent good for anything, feed the leaves to cats or dogs or something they love it lol

    i wouldnt smoke pollen sacs, although ive heard people do it, some say there is a % of THC but i wouldnt even try it, males also show their sex much earlier then the females, because of this you have more time to kill that fucker

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