Outdoor Organic soil mix...#1

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by realdealz28, Apr 3, 2006.

  1. so the newset HT mag. gives what the "BC Growers Association's recommend" for the perect outdoor ORGANICE soil mix(EXCELLENT FOR BEGINNERS TO USE):D

    1 bale Sunshine Mix #2 or Promix
    8 cups bone meal(phosphrous source)
    4 cups blood meal(nitrogen source)
    1-1/3 cups Epsom sales(magnesium source)
    3-4 cups dolomite lime(calcium source and pH buffer)
    1 tsp fritted trace elements
    4 cups kelp meal
    25-pound bag pure worm casstings

    *mix thoroughly, moisten and let sit one to two weeks before use*

    I will be using this mix for all my outdoor grows this year...off to the store to get the materials I don't have:wave:
  2. holy that seems like quite the extensive and possibly expensive mixture
  3. nothing seems to expensive for my beauties...especially when the smoke is for MESELF...

    btw...didn't really look into the price as price doesn't matter, as long as its not ridiculous* the only thing I am about is ORGANICS(makes the best) btw...the mix is by Jorge Cervates himself, so its definitely great for the price:D
  4. it doesn't look that expensive. it's all tsp and cups .i wouldn't put it at over 50. i bet you could find at least half of the things without having to buy any of them.
  5. This is going to be my first grow and I would like some feedback on what people think of my soil mix. I will have two different soil recipes pretty much because i dont have to haul as much dirt and compost to my sites.

    One soil recipe is equal parts native soil, compost, and topsoil. My holes will have a 1ft radius and be 1.5ft deep. I will then add 1/2 cup kelp meal, 1/2 cup mexican bat guano(high nitrogen), 1/2 cup greensand, 1/4 cup powder molasses, 1/4 cup peruvian seabird guano, and top dressed with a little worm castings.

    The other recipe is the same for amendments but i will mix the native soil as such: 1 part native soil, 2 parts compost, and 2 parts coir. I choose coir because its better than peat, and its easier to carry because its light and you need to add water to expand it.

    Does the amendments i have added seem adequate or too much or too litte? Does anyone know if garden stores and not hydroponic stores carry kelp meal? Im having trouble finding it. How long do you think these amendments should feed my plants before i have to add anything besides water? If the plants do need food i plan on making a tea of mexican bat guano, worm castings, and kelp. Should this be good enough? During flowering i plan on feeding them budswel and liquid kelp. Is this sufficient for bud development?

    I plan on using neem oil for bud prevention, and dog hair, urine, and irish spring soap to keep away deers. Does this sound like sufficient prevention? Do you think its necessary to put up some sort of fence when the plants are small to protect from rabbits and other small pests?
  6. ^^^not sure if i would just use things I've heard are good or think are good....i don't know if thats a good mix or not, but i do know the one above is:D
  7. The reasons behind my recipe is that peat makes your soil acidic and i already have a low ph problem in my area. Im using coir in one recipe instead of peat because coir lasts longer and has higher levels of potassium, sulfur, and chlorine. I realize coir has the same effect on ph as peat but its a lot easier to carry. 1/3 of my plants will have a mix of coir,native soil, and compost. The other 2/3 will have topsoil,native soil, and compost the choice is just to save money.
    The reason im not using blood meal or blood meal in my recipe is ive heard that blood meal and bone meal attract animals which can end in them digging up your plants. I will only have a few weeks to let my soil sit until I can transplant so i dont want to risk having my plants get destroyed. Just a few words of thought.
  8. Sounds great, cant wait for it to start + some pics :hello:

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