Help me find this movie

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Tweker, May 5, 2010.

  1. #1 Tweker, May 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2010
    Alright, a few months ago I came across a trailer that seemed pretty cool, but forgot to note the name of the movie somewhere (if I remember corectly it was a soon to be released)

    Anyway, what I remember from the trailer is the folowing:

    A kid was kidnaped and trained to kill people. We then see him get out of a box on the roof of a building, he is free and has 30 days to find out something. ( I think its why he was kidnaped or why he was released)

    I know I don't have much information but thats all I remember :S

    p.s. its not unleashed, I know it sounds familiar but its not it
  2. So far I have ruled out these very similar movies:

    • Goonies
    • Jaws
    • Lake Placid
    • A Charlie Brown Christmas
    • Braveheart

    I will keep trying! Good luck. :hello:
  3. lol :p I really wish I had more info, but I was high when I saw the trailer so I don't remember :(
  4. Oldboy is the movie. Just watched it yesterday for the first time actually! Very good movie.
  5. Nice thanks! +rep
  6. Oh hell yes I was just thinking about this movie the other day. Absolutely incredible, I think i'll watch it tonight.
  7. yeah, that movie was awesome, thanks alot for helping me finding the name :p

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