Using Colloidal Silver to seed the plant

Discussion in 'Cannabis Breeding' started by BCGoddess, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. I'd like to use colloidal silver to seed my female medi-juanas, but I'm already into the flowering 2 weeks, is this way too late to start spraying with colloidal silver to get the plant to produce seed?
  2. And has anyone had success with using colloidal silver to seed their plants?
  3. Colodial silver causes your plant to push out male flowers, you then harvest the pollen and pollinate a DIFFERENT unsprayed plant, it will produce mostly female seeds, if done properly you should have 95%+ female.

  4. well first off if you clone you have 100% mature female. plus you would need to pollinate a plant that is either from seed if same strain or a different strain if you have all clones now. basically you can't pollinate a sister if its a clone from the same genetics only if its from seed
  5. Thanks for that info, will do, but is it too late to spray the girls if they've been on light cycle for 2 weeks?
  6. No, you could spray in late flower and it wouldnt matter, you cant smoke the plant you spray with the colodial silver so your just going to trash it after you harvest the pollen to seed another plant anyway.
  7. Thank you so much!
    I get it, I'm not producing seed at this stage, I'm producing pollen.
    You can be sure I won't be smokin' or processing any of it!
    Thanks for your time :)
  8. If your going to store the pollen stick it in a black film canister that holds film for non digital cameras (empty obviously lol) and get the RH inside the container between 5-15%, try to get it down to 5% if possible and stick it in the fridge, this will let you store the pollen for awhile before use, not sure exactly how long it stays viable for tho. I know you can store it for atleast 2 weeks and its still viable though because ive saved pollen from a male plant for that long before myself.
  9. couldn't you make edibles? people drink colloidal silver for it's medicinal properties.
  10. No, because the colloidal silver builds up through spraying, the ppm would be way too high for human consumption.
  11. That's not true. You shouldn't need more than a cup of CS for the whole process. You could drink a cup of CS everyday without a problem.

    What you do need to watch out for is if you make your own CS with Sterling Silver, it will contain high levels of Nickel, which can be problematic if consumed... otherwise, you can smoke anything sprayed with pure CS.


  12. You can use CS up to about two weeks before harvest. The later you start though increases the chance of growing male flowers that won't open on their own. This can be benifical because they won't pollenate your current grow. You can pick them off and use a razor to open them and extract the pollen.

  13. Ok, I've got some bananas now, is it best to refrigerate or freeze for 4 weeks?
    Thanks for your help in advance :)
  14. For just 4 weeks, I probably wouldn't bother doing anything but keep it very dry and out of the light. I would first make sure those nanners have pollen in them. A lot of the time, the first nanners are shooting blanks.

    Cut off a few of them and let them dry out good, and then cut them open. If you have a nice golden dust inside, you're set. Just do the same for all the rest, make sure you dry them out well... Then when you go to make seeds, I like to cut open a nanner and wipe up the pollen with a Qtip and wipe it on the bud I want pollenated.

    Leaving the nanners intact and dried makes storage easy. If you cut up all the nanners first, you lose a lot of pollen getting stuck to the container and you use way more than you need... I've had pollen viable well over a year by just keeping it in a sealed plastic bag. Becareful if you do refridgerate or freeze the pollen so that it doesn't collect moisture when it returns to room temp...

  15. Thank you Loki, will do, Happy New Year!
  16. learn something new everyday ....
  17. I have a question that no one seems to ask as I have looked at a lot of forums trying to find the answer.

    What is the best colloidal silver PPM rate for turning your plants male?

    30, 240, 500 ???????

    Would be nice to know which rate is best.

  18. Colloidal silver, when used for creating male flowers, is actually ionic silver. Normally, colloidal silver is silver nanoparticles (although most commercial colloidal silver contains enough silver ions that it will work)

    You can't really put a number on it... TDS Meters Don't Work For Colloidal Silver So, that question can't be easily answered.

    If you're making your own, you can control it to some degree. Using a laser pointer to shine thru the glass you're creating the colloidal silver in. You'll see the laser beam grow more solid as the silver ions are created. You'll get to a point were the beam won't get any more solid and then a grey film will develop on the bottom of the glass. That's the point of staturation, from then on, you're not making any more ions and now mostly silver particles are being created. You only want silver ions.


  19. Thanks for the reply Loki.

    Let me rephrase the question. If I want to buy some colloidal silver from amazon, what bottle rate would you buy??

    As you know there are a lot's of different rates I just don't want to buy something that's to strong or not strong enough? :confused: Not interested in making my own just yet. I will leave that for a rainy day.
  20. #20 Loki7, Nov 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2012
    Silver Colloids: Colloidal Silver Product Reports

    Any of the ionic silvers that are listed as 10-50ppm should be fine.


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