Cops arrest cannabis petitioners in MO

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by vaporfiend, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. Sorry, they were detained and cited, not arrested. Still bs.
  2. That is still outrageous by the cops though unless they were doing shit like trying to get a bunch of drunks who can't even see straight to sign the petition - even that might not be illegal though.
  3. It's really sad how uninformed people are. I had someone from Scotland who disagreed with my contention that drug prohibition is harmful. "So get the laws changed then!" Despite my best attempts to describe to him the outright violations of rights going on at present, and that the media is controlled by prohibitionists, he still insisted that getting the laws changed under current conditions was tantamount to getting the right for gun carry permit licenses approved. I kid you not. I asked him how big the gun lobby was compared to all the corporations shouting for legalization of cannabis. :rolleyes: And this guy really thinks he's smart. He cannot berate me enough in our debates trying to insinuate his intellectual superiority over me, as we are all "dumb stoners" and he cannot tell me enough about what my supposed "hippie lifestyle" is all about. :rolleyes::D
  4. Since when is gathering signatures "solicitation"?
  5. Gotta thank the cops for all the free publicity on this one!
  6. Charges were dropped by the city and they apologized. Seems like the officers were a little confused on how to handle the situation. Good work to showme cannabis, saw you guys out on main st all weekend. I got to get my voting situation squared up so I can sign.
  7. ive done a lot of petition work in my day, and it is not considered solicitation. this will get thrown out
  8. They aren't confused. They do whatever the hell they please it seems, and let the courts sort it out afterward. Stop peoples' voices; laws and bill of rights be damned.
    Free speech is worthless if its deemed acceptable 3 months later in a courtroom. :cool:

  9. most police departments follow the will of the mayors of the city they represent. The mayors (in most instances) have the power to remove their cities police chief. So it would seem that the mayor need to be held accountable for his or her police departments actions. Surely an apology to those cited is insufficient.

  10. Will never happen. Believe me.

    We live in a society where we are all equal, it is just that some are more equal that others.

  11. Sadly enough, I know your correct on that. Here in No.California home of (shudder) San Francisco political values (you know the ones that aren't like those of good God fearing Americans) we still haven't punished the cops that pepper sprayed a bunch of college kids who had the nerve to peacefully sit down on campus in solidarity with the Occupy movement (they are on paid leave of duty). Nor have the cops who against a police policy that was ordered by a federal judge, been punished for covering their name tag and badge numbers while they suppressed the Occupy protesters in Oakland. So far there has been no punishment for the officers (also from Oakland) who fired the teargas canister into the head of a "veteran against the war" member that was at the Oakland Occupy protest. Not only did the cops shoot him in the head with a gas canister from near point blank range, they threw a flash bang grenade at the feet of the civilians that rushed to his aid. The mandate of the police at the protest was to provide safety and aid for the civilian population at the protests. One set of laws for the powerful and their shock troops and another for the masses.

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