Legalization for the sake of: economy, enivornment, medicine, and safety

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by herblovers, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. Although I believe cannabis should be legalized for the sole reason it does not harm anyone, I also believe it could and IS beneficial to society.

    First, if cannabis is legalized and regulated the government can tax cannabis and hemp. Also we could stop spending unreasonable amounts of money trying to enforce the prohibition. With all this money we can help with America's huge amount of debt and also put it back into health care. We can also reduce taxes or have a bigger rebate. America is huge on spending money in its national defenses why not spend this money there?

    Second, with the legalization of cannabis, hemp also becomes legal to grow. By being able to use and grow hemp we can eliminate our dependencies on trees, for example paper. Hemp paper was actually used for the Declaration of Independence. If our country was started on a piece of hemp paper why did we make it illegal? Also hemp is known to be one of the strongest material esp. for rope and also for clothing. Referring back to the economic struggles, this will also create more jobs and opportunities.

    Third, cannabis is known to be the best medicine in its natural form. Most pharmaceutical companies do not want cannabis/medicinal cannabis because there does not have to be any altercations to have a medicinal effect. This makes it harder for pharmaceutical companies to make money off of medicine. Not only is medicinal cannabis growing but the more studies conducted, the more evidence there is to support the notion that cannabis has medicinal properties.

    Fourth, by legalizing cannabis and regulating it you'll create a safer environment and reduce the chances of youngsters and dealers encountering each other. The idea that cannabis is a gateway drug is only true because a dealer will always be a dealer. If he sees green he will give anyone drugs. You must always recognize that drug dealers deal DRUGS. Not cannabis. But since cannabis is illegal, dealers will have cannabis and other illegal drugs. Also this reduces organized crime around teenagers and youngsters. Teenagers and youngsters are bound to try cannabis no matter what its unavoidable. By making cannabis illegal and therefore making it part of organized crime, you are then bringing organized crime to teenagers and youngsters.

    I recently watched a video of someone with multiple sclerosis that would shake violently and stutter. During the interview he said he would need some medicinal marijuana for the shaking and after seeing him shake and stutter, he took a few hits from his pipe. After hitting his pipe his shaking stopped and and his stuttering went away and he explained how it lets him actually enjoy life.
  2. Republicans want bribes
    Democrats also want bribes
    in order to get it legal i feel we have to use the same strategy used to make it illegal. a smear campaign and bribes
  3. Those are good points. From my point of view, the greatest reason to end the federal ban on stores selling marijuana to adults is because it doesn't work. It doesn't prevent people from buying, selling and using marijuana and it does draw drug dealers into our neighborhoods and around our kids.

    I believe that we have a right to expect our laws to be based on logic, and we have a right to expect our laws to create more good than harm. The federal marijuana prohibition fails on both these counts. As society would benefit more from ending the prohibition than in having it, then by all means it should be ended!
  4. I love that everyone recognizes just how ridiculous this is. What upsets me more than the fact that cannabis is illegal is just how obvious it is that this system not only lacks logic, but actually harms society and yet our own government not only allows but helps it continue. Its disappointing to say the least.
  5. Just keep smoking......
  6. what can ya do?
  7. I fully support the national legalization of marijuana.

    But to be honest, I wouldn't want to see it legalized in the next 50 years. Then I would have to find a different way to make a living. Can't make too much money with a handful of plants when there are huge factories with hundreds of acres of land to grow thousands of crops at extremely low prices.

  8. those "huge factories with hundreds of acres of land to grow thousands of crops" still wouldnt be as potent as someone with a small personal garden that actually takes time and loves each and every plant and give it its specific needs...
  9. I don't think potency will be as important as the quality of the high. Just like alcohol, many alcoholic drinks are lower potency but more enjoyable than the strongest stuff. Mainly, the potency and other characteristics will come from the dna, so as long as the plants are grown "adequately" it won't matter that they're not grown "perfectly".
  10. Hemp strains with low THC produce FAR less seed, and ethanol per acre compared with Hemp strains with mid-higher THC levels. 100 Barrels of oil with Hemp with 1 ounce per stalk. Comment on the youtube video, I know somebody is going to think, but cannabis can harvest over 1 pound per plant, wow that is a lot of $ for a farmer to make in 1 acre of land. Well over $20,000USD per acre far exceeding anything else you can grow. You cant make money selling other stuff, who you going to sell it to, hemp industry doesnt exist because some stupid idiots made sure they were going to maintain profits for their wealthy families (Mafia Cartels)

    [ame=""]Barack Obama Talks About Wealth Gap - YouTube[/ame]

    If you needed more fuel for the fire:
    Strange but True: Drinking Too Much Water Can Kill: Scientific American
    Drinking too much water kills people, it is physically impossible to die smoking weed. If somebody did die it is because of a lack of oxygen it is not the weed killing them so if somebody wanted to be a fool and kill themselves with a lack of oxygen to try and prove weed kills, they are not conducting a real scientific experiment and it is not valid science.:smoke:

    Polls Show Marijuana Legalization More Popular Than President Obama |


    U.S. National Library of Medicine - 812 Worldwide PubMed articles on Cannabinoids including THC curing Cancer (government website)
    cancer cannabinoid - PubMed - NCBI

    In 2003, Rick Simpson discovered his Cancer Cure High THC Hemp Oil.
    In 2007, the World Health Organization reported worldwide Cancer caused 21,643 deaths per day (7.9 Million Deaths per year)


    Cancer societies, governments, corporations, media, alternative media, everyone who is actively ignoring and censoring truth regarding cannabis curing cancer are taking part in depopulation. Saying there is nothing you can do is like the Nazis claiming "oh we just left the chemicals running in the concentration camps the people inhaled them" The world has become a giant concentration camp pollution causes cancer! Corporations lobbied government to make cannabis illegal because it is superior resource we wouldnt have cancer causing air because of cancer causing pollution!

    United States Air Force: Owning the Weather by 2025
    [ame=]Chemtrail Attack, March 4, 2011 - YouTube[/ame] - Bush Family Funded Hitler

    [ame=""]Notice Anything Wrong? 2 (no music) - YouTube[/ame]

    Alex Jones 15 Million Viewers a Week Ignores Life Saving Information | Myles O'Howe
    500 Million+ views Government Funded Youtube Channel Russia Today | Myles O'Howe
    Media Ignoring Important Information about Japan Nuclear Disaster | Myles O'Howe

    The truth could have already been viral, cannabis would have been legal already if the numbers of people frauds in alternative media reach who ignore and censor truth. They dont give a fuck.
  11. i think the first step we should take is to question academic curriculum within our public schools. why is it that schools do not mention hemp at all in early america? The first law for hemp was for it to be grown in Jamestown. Why is it that schools do not mention hemp as being one of the biggest cash crops in early american history ? Why is it that alcohol has its own section in our history books, but not a section on hemp and cannabis ? Why is the War on Drugs only in the media and not in history books? Why is it that we don't learn about the corruption in government politics and the wealthy that led to the outlaw of cannabis in the first place ? We learn about how past presidents and government officials abused their authority so why don't we learn about how president Nixon ignored a report, stating that cannabis was not a threat to the public, that he set up which instead advised the decriminalization of cannabis?

    Also i think every history teacher should be taught this fun fact: the declaration of independence was written on hemp paper. And it still hasn't yellowed. Benjamin Franklin started the first hemp paper mill and used it in his newspapers.

    Also when we hear about the Cold War Era why isn't there any mention of how the U.S. government was against cannabis because they believed the soviets were trying to make us peaceful o_O?

    And more other thing, why do we not hear about how cannabis was related to racism in early america? That part of the stereotypes of blacks and hispanics in early american history was associated with cannabis use. Which leads us to use 'marijuana', the Spanish translation of cannabis.

    To gain more support from the public and to counter government propaganda, we should do what it takes to educate the general public, not only smokers.

  12. Why wait for school? Educate your children as soon as they can sit and listen to a bedtime story:

    [ame=] It's Just a Plant: A Children's Story of Marijuana (9780976011705): Ricardo Cortes, Marsha Rosenbaum: Books[/ame]
  13. The jews complain about 6 million jews died in the holocaust. im not here to talk about the made up numbers or anything, take that number 6 million at face value, pretend its true for a moment:
    In 2003, Rick Simpson discovered his Cancer Cure Hemp Oil.
    In 2007, the World Health Organization reported worldwide Cancer caused 21,643 deaths per day (7.9 Million Deaths per year)
    Every day
    and another day

    man are people distracted from what is truly IMPORTANT: HUMAN LIFE
  14. its happening right now, can you feel it?

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