Hermies.... Why me!!!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Picolo2k, Oct 17, 2006.

  1. hi everyone! this grow is the worst I had in my life!!! I had a lot of problems but the plants were finally looking good. I have 6 plants all clones from a mother, 2 1/2 week into flowering and the buds looked very healthy. I looked at the plants this afternoon, and.... I saw about 5 or 6 balls, already open!!! the plants are in a scrog training style so it is difficult to know from which plant the balls come from. so I looked further in the bushes and I saw balls from a least 4 of the 6 plants!!! how can that happen? I realized that when I water, I wait till the light goes off, I open the door and water. do opening the door 5 min after the light was off can make them all turn hermies? Why outdoor growers don't have hermies, the moon gives some light? they had a heat stress too, can this be the reason? i'm really mad about that because I put a lot of time into this grow. Can the plants continue to flower and give me some buds?
    I am mad now...
    thanks for the replies
  2. an excellent question indeed. im curious, did u spot any redness in the tipps of the white hairs coming from the buds?
  3. well, the white hairs are still pretty white except for a few that are a little more orange, brown... they seem to dry a little. I will continue the flowering process, because I don't have clones now so I have nothing to loose, I'm experimenting. Maybe the seeds will eat the buds, but I may harvest early. the potency will be affected for sure but, I will juste smoke some bigger joints! Next grow will be a sog, it will save some time because I've juste lost a lot of it with this grow, trying to resolve all the probs I had!!!
  4. Hey man, sorry to hear about all the trouble.

    I had the same thing happen to me with my outdoor last year.
    I had one of my six turn hermie and pollinate the rest of em.

    I grew it out anyways to see what kind of smoke I'd get and it wasn't too bad at all. I'm a gram a day smoker and my hermie was better then most stuff I could buy in the street, I mean it was good but, it just had a few seeds in then. I also picked off as many balls as possible as oftin as possible, I have no idea if this helped or not. Hope this helps out some!!!
  5. wow that is really shitty that your hard work is somewhat of down the drain. Why not try to take the plants and dry them out, stems and all and make some THC butter out of it all ????? Maybe it'll give you some decent brownies to munch on . :D anyone else think this would be possible ??? ?
  6. I'm more of a smoker than a brownie eater. thanks for the advice but I keep the trim to cook, the buds are too good to smoke! I will grow them until finish or so, and I will try to remove the most balls I see. i wish they are not too pollinated yet. i want to wait till I have enough trichomes to know that the weed is gonna get me high! do you think that the seeds they will give me will be hermies too?

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