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Is it a good idea soaking the herb before making cannabutter ?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by svrx2, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. #1 svrx2, Sep 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2011
    Is it a good idea soaking the herbs in fresh water 12-24 hours before making the cannabutter procedure ? I think yes. What do you think about this ?
  2. NOPE!

    Mix herbs into the butter as it melts down. Then stir and simmer for a while, making sure all your herbs have been covered and simmered all the THC into the butter. Once you are done cooking it into the butter. Then you strain all the weed residue out of your butter and save your now to be cannabutter.
  3. #3 svrx2, Sep 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2011
    :( I didn't ask that! I know how to make beautiful cannabutter. I am just wondering if soaking the herbs in water will help the extraction of thc of the plant matter.

    Next time please read the question first before you answer. Thanks.
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  4. You could break the bud down in a grinder or hand fingers broken down... or you could drop it in the butter as buds and smush it into the butter until its a green paste look to it then strain to get leafs out of the butter. Add buds to water will probably make your butter weaker and runnie... I would just stick to butter and buds no water. There's lots of threads about making eddies and butter on here. Everyone will answer no to the water idea... might dilute your THC percent @@!

    Send me a sample!

  5. What you're thinking of is water-washing prior to cooking, to reduce the chlorophyll/salt content of the resulting canna oil. It doesn't help with your oil or extraction potency-wise, and in fact can result in free-floating (and ultimately, the loss of) a number of trichomes during the wash and soak, unless you take measures to collect and preserve them afterwards.

    So long as you fully dry and decarb the material after the water soak, before adding the material to the oil, you're good to go. :)
  6. #6 svrx2, Sep 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2011
    Really ? I can't imagine fresh water destroying the THC since it's not as hard as when you are boiling the buds several hours when making cannabutter.

    Anyway I am just experimenting with 1.2 gram of bud, it will give me about 3 strong doses if all goes as expected.

    Yeah man! I will re use the water, so there won't be any loss, right ?. I am not doing this for removing chlorophyll, I just simply thought that soaking the herbs in fresh water several hours can improve the extraction of thc when making cannabutter, sounds very logic for me.
  7. :p:p:p:p:p



    Attached Files:

  8. Aside from removing some of the inert 'icky' tasting plant matter, if that's not your aim, it's actually a little counterproductive :)

    Decarboxylation, or activation must occur prior to consumption, this is the process of removing the carboxyl group in the form of carbon dioxide and water vapor, this causes cannabinoid conversion from their less potent acids, to their active delta forms. And in simple terms (read the stickies for more detail) you decarb, or activate your material, by drying it even beyond the point where it is smokable.

    So making it wet, just means you've got more drying to do before processing, which is perfectly fine if removing chlorophyll and salts was your true intent, but if that's not your intent, there's no point. That being said, it's worth noting that if the soaking isn't thorough enough, you can wind up loosening and inviting even more inert plant matter into your oil than you would have had, if you'd just dried well, and used a pure oil source to begin with.

    If you wanted, or if you're concerned with separating glandular material from the plant matter beforehand in order to make a more concentrated oil, you could make ice hash and extract the trichomes before using them for making your oil. But if the water is not very cold during manipulation, the glands actually become even more stubborn towards removal or separation, than they would be if you'd opted for dry-sift hash. This is where it becomes counterproductive, if loosening the glandular material was your aim!
    So that's ice-water for making hash, and room-temp water for keeping the glands in place (for the most part) and washing away the 'green' flavor.

    Anyhow, long story short, the drier the material is before processing with oil, the better. :)
  9. #9 svrx2, Sep 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2011
    Thanks BadKittySmiles, then, I won't get my 3 strong doses making cannabutter with these soaked buds ? :(:(:(

    EDIT: I will let you know my experience within two days.

  10. He was still right:laughing:
  11. Well.. tonight I will know how strong my cannabutter is. It's just a gram of good buds, so it should give at least two or three strong doses.
  12. Report: The effects of the cannabutter were totally insane! amazing!

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