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"First Pass Metabolism" - Why it's not working

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Paleo Edibles, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. #1 Paleo Edibles, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2010
    First Pass Metabolism wiki

    First pass metabolism, or the first pass effect, is when your liver basically intercepts the majority of the edible you've consumed, and breaks enough down to where the effect is diminished.

    To avoid this, make sure your canna edible meal is not your first meal of the day. Make sure it's somewhere in the middle of your meal, and spread out as much as possible. For eample, I take a tablespoon and take half-tablespoons of butter and add it to my meal whilst I eat - it doesn't taste good(so?) but I can swish it down with water.

    Orally consumed cannabis taken with other food and on a non-fast will greatly improve bioavailability of your cannabis, and substantially less will be broken down prematurely by the liver.

    So, next time, eat it with a meal!
    • Like Like x 2
  2. THAT's why my brownies didn't do much on 4/20

    good stuff!
  3. good to know, thank you kind sir.
  4. #5 Paleo Edibles, Nov 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2010
    When your liver intercepts and breaks down active cannabinoids, including d-9-THC, it also is converting some cannabinoids into breakdown products which still produce a measurable effect.

    Effects of Smoked Cannabis and Oral Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Nausea and Emesis After Cancer Chemotherapy:A Review of State Clinical Trials

    Acute effects of smoked marijuana and oral delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on specific airway conductance in asthmatic subjects

    Reinforcing and subjective effects of oral Δ9-THC and smoked marijuana in humans

    Comparison of smoked marijuana and oral Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in humans

    While I'm at it, this is interesting:

    Effects of Expectancies on Subjective Responses to Oral Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol

    Consistent with previous research using other drugs, subjects in the current experiment who expected to receive a cannabinoid reported greater pleasurable effects than subjects who did not have this expectancy. The results have implications for understanding the effects of cannabinoids when used in both recreational and clinical settings.

    So when you're getting high, and you're expecting to get high, and want to get high, you get higher than if you didn't know you were about to be dosed up.
    • Like Like x 2
  5. good read, thanks! i think this has happened to me a couple of times
  6. That explains alot man, thanks
  7. maybe this is why my brownies sucked lol
  8. This explains so much! Thank you! :hello:
  9. So it would be a better choice to eat my brownies right after I eat my meal? Kind of like a dessert... A delicous, scrumdiddlyumptious bud brownie? Or should I eat it while eating my meal.
  10. Like 25 minutes after your meal if you don't want it to dilute into part of your meal. If you do, then eat it right after.
  11. thanks man, very interesting.
  12. hmm so if i read this thread correctly it's best to consume the edible on a full stomach? last week i made some cana-pb and it took like 2 1/2 hours for it to kick in and it only kicked in after i smoked a bowl. but boy it did kick in, kicked me right to my bed actually
  13. #14 Paleo Edibles, Dec 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2010

    It depends if your edible is infused into fat or not. If it's not infused into a fat, you'll get exteremly poor bioavailability, so you want to take it with a meal. If it's infused into olive oil or butter or something, It's best to eat your edible dose about an hour and ah alf after a REGULAR sized meal, otherwise the oil will dilute into the rest of your meal, and youll never have a significant peak, as it takes your body extra time to digest the edible oil.
    I wrote this before, and might help you

    The more fat, the more diluted the cannabinoids get into all the fat, and your body has to digest more to feel an effect, and it slows down your high, while making it longer

    let me give you an example. I made oil once, same as always, but I ended up going to a buffet about 2 hours later. I had eaten a good sized meal earlier in the day, so my body was still digesting it when I ate the edible. By the time I was eating at the buffet, I was slightly high, high enough to eat a grip (beef ribs high fat ftw) BUT I diluted the rest of the dose into the 10 beef ribs I had eaten! I didn't have a significant peak, but I was slightly high all night until past 2am

    so think about your body as a machine, and you want it to use up the oil in a shorter period of time so your blood cannabinoid concentrations spike, rather than dilute it with other food and prolong the delivery and lessen the peak

    want the strongest peak? Use as little oil as possible, and as much cannabis as will fit submerged. Finally, eat it one and a half to two hours after your last meal, and dont eat anything until at least 3 hours passed. Thats how I have my best highs. Again, this is only if the cannabis is infused into a lipid, which causes it to be absorbed thru your lymphatic system. If it's not infused into a fat, the bioavailability drops and your first pass metabolism will probably eat it up. Remember! Never eat an edible to break a fast (as breakfast or after going overnight without eating). Always eat one meal during the day before the edible dosage.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. wow thanks alot man that just answered so many of my questions... the only thing that i'm not quite grasping is bioavailability not sure what it means (google her i come) one more quick question and i apoligise if its off topic. As i mentioned before i smoked a bowl and after the bowl is when i felt the effects of the edible, does that play into how the high is affected
  15. #16 Paleo Edibles, Dec 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2010
    From the first post of this thread

    Oral Intake of a Cannabinoid Together with a Meal Improved Bioavailability '

    Researchers of Monash University in Victoria, Australia, investigated the reason why the oral bioavailability of a synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist (CRA13) was significantly improved if taken together with a meal rich in fat. Oral bioavailability was assessed in human volunteers and in dogs with and without a meal. Food had a substantial positive effect on the oral bioavailability of CRA13 in human volunteers and in dogs. This cannabinoid is highly lipophilic (soluble in fat) as other cannabinoids including THC.

    The absolute bioavailability of the cannabinoid was low in fasted dogs (8-20 per cent), in spite of good absorption (72-75 per cent of radio-labelled CRA13 recovered in the systemic circulation). In fed dogs, bioavailability increased to 47.5 per cent and the majority (43.7 per cent) of the dose was absorbed via the lymphatic system of the intestine. Researchers concluded that the positive food effect for CRA13 does not appear to result from increased absorption. Rather the increase in bioavailability was stimulated via almost complete transport into the lymph, in turn resulting in a reduction in first-pass metabolism. In fasted dogs most of the cannabinoid was metabolised, i.e. changed to inactive compounds, at once in the liver before reaching the whole body, while the liver was bypassed in fed animals.


    It takes up to 3 hours, so you mightve smoked right at the right time that it was digesting and letting the cannabinoids into your bloodstream

    Decarboxylate, cook until the cannabis turns brown, eat after a meal.

    If you are taking heroic doses, like 4 grams or more, it's advisable to eat a small meal with the edible.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. man am i glad i read this. very helpful thanks a lot
  17. This information is great. I have been researching and have made cannabutter for a third time and am hoping its effective. I got technical this third round and ised a candy thermometer and single pot versus yhe double boiler method i used the two previous times. I cooked the butter and flower for about an hour at a constant temp between 250 and 275. I am about 20 minutes past eating a sloce of bread loaded with about three tablespoons of peanut butter and half a banana and a granola bar. I plan on putting the cannabutter on toast this time, rather than baking cookies, as i did the previous two times. Any tips? I read here almost daily and finally, I made an account just to ask Paleo for advice.
  18. The highest I ever got on an edible was about an hour after I had eaten a small portion of a good steak.

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