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what can i grill that can have cannabutter?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by INHAL3 3XHAL3, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. #21 Chaohinon, Mar 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2010
    Grill some fish or meat and collect all the drippings in a saute pan. Heat those drippings up with some wine, heavy cream, and cannabutter until it starts to bubble a little bit, then throw in a handful of parmesan cheese and pepper (preferably freshly cracked peppercorns).

    Be careful not to overheat the butter, make sure you throw it in towards the end, so it gets just enough heat to melt.

    I'd also recommend mixing the cannabutter with some unrefined, virgin coconut oil, and throwing it on scrambled eggs when they're finished.

  2. Could you please, please come cook me supper (drool). I will provide all ingredients.
    You should write "food porn"
  3. yea me too man. or give the recpipe for that saute, its sounds great

  4. yea i kinda would like to hear an answer to this question too
  5. FUCK YES! baked potato!
  6. i dont have any, i can make it outside, i havent got to it, but id like to put it to use once i make it ya know.

  7. This.

    I usually just mix the butter in with from ground beef and make patties, cook em on the grill and you got instant 420 burgers. Remember you NEVER push down on a hamburger patty while on the grill, 420 burger or not.
  8. Exactly. Take your damn cannabutter inside and put it in or on anything that you could put butter in...

    For example, you are aware that making rice krispies treats involves copies amounts of (canna)butter, right?

    So there, you go. Rice Krispies treats FTW! :cool:

    (on second thought, it would be rather evil to lace the very treat you're trying to eat to get rid of the munchies that are being brought on by the treat itself...)
  9. I suggest making the butter on the side burner. Then when u have some dank butter everything you cook on the grill get a nice finish of butter. Dont forget to clean your plate with a side of bread.
  10. bbq corn on the cob and lather it in the butter
  11. Grilled salmon with cannabutter. either wrap the salmon in aluminum foil and put the butter in with it or just grill the salmon and dip it in the butter
  12. make some hobos

    around here hobos are potatoes, carrots and onions with butter and garlic wrapped in tin foil and left on the grill for 30 to 50 mins. mmmmm nd throw in some special mushies for a nicer ride
  13. put melted cannabutter on steak and garlic bread?
  14. this

    they are good as hell
  15. late to the party... but....

    I like to halve squash, and zuccinni... place in tin foil coated liberally with cannabutter, salt, and pepper... but thats just me :)
  16. i thought of a great thing to make. CANNABUDDER PUPPY CHOW!!!!!!
  17. ya bro, you should be good just wrappin it up in aluminum foil.
    The baked potatos sound good. I think tomorow Im guna try a sandwich of some kind on the grill.

    good question OP. :smoking:
  18. Bakeeed Potato.

    Fry up some onions, bacon and budder.. put that shit on top mmmmmmm

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