The Things That Annoy You About Guys and Girls Thread

Discussion in 'General' started by 420gitrdone, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. People who say they are "Real" and "i never give up!" or "I got more heart then you!" and then aren't even remotely real, give up after 5 minutes and can't be bothered to pursue something that interests them, they'd much rather just talk about how they would go about it then actually do it.
    When woman dress suggestively and then get mad when dudes stare, like if you don't wanna be treated like a piece of meat, don't dress like one.
    Women who seek attention in general, if your doing something productive thats great you deserve all the attention you can get however if your just trying to get attention because you have a vagina and some sort of daddy complex, deal with those problems instead of getting a band-aid solution from everyone around you. 
    Dudes who spend the majority of their time chasing any tail that happens to come into their life and then complain that they don't get any because all they do is chase it.
    Also on the "Cheaters" note, once a cheater is not always a cheater however once you open that door it becomes an option forever, like smoking an addictive substance, once you do it that need to do it will always be there to some degree, the chances of you doing it again are significantly higher once you've done it once. 
    Women who are all talk and no action OR all action and no talk, she needs balance son! 
    Dudes who get hung up on relationships that are just dumb, like is this person really gonna be the mother of your children? No? Then what the fucks the problem guy. 

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  2. Girls are pretty stupid for how smart they are.
    Guys are pretty insecure for how confident they are.

    People are just stupid in general.
  3. #43 King Random, Jun 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2013
    I hate how all you guy's are being douches about girl's because there is not many of them on this forum... truly makes all the real things that annoy me about girls seem pretty much pointless..
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  4. Whiter knighter^
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  5. You're not going to get any e-pussy for sticking up for the ladies, guy.
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  6. Girls turn literally nothing and blow it up into something huge. Like wtf
  7. Guys:
    - Dumb, scrawny, ugly dudes who think they're hot shit, good at everything, and capable of hooking up with any girl
    - Borderline retarded, steroid-abusing, sleazy morons that harass bitches that really want nothing to do with them
    - Bitches who have a grandeur sense of entitlement
    - Nosey bitches
    - Bitches who want all the perks of being a male while maintaining all the perks of being a female
    I'll probably update later
  8. I severely dislike girls who are straight up fucking bitches to other females but cool with most dudes. It just shows how insecure they are but hating an other female wont make you prettier or cooler than her. Sorry.
    It also annoys me when girls think theyre cool because theyre low maintence. "I dont wear make up and I only wear jeans and a t-shirt." Good for you. Do you want a cookie?
    I dont get how some dudes think that females have some magical powers that can get any dude they want. I wish.
    And of course, I could never ever respect or get into a relationship with a guy who uses bitch in the place of female, woman, girl, chick, ect.
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  9. I'll admit i dislike what some girls do, but considering people are acting like giant douche's when they probably don't even act 1% like that irl... it just sounds pathetic hearing "I hate bitches" 
  10. when it comes to girls, their egos.  they could get away with narcissistic personality disorder but men cannot.  like the OP said-some girls are too good to be in the presence of someone
    like you'll talk to them because you have to and they'll act like a bitch and i'm just thinking "i'm not talking to you because i want to fuck a stuck up cunt, i'm talking to you because i have to talk to you."  i've learned by now that when you come across such a girl you gotta treat them like they're a cunt from the start.  and when you do so they wake up and realize how much a cunt they really are sometimes.
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  11. #51 akim, Jun 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2013
    I think that talking to men about periods are unnecessary. I think periods are gross, and yeah I get sore and headachey and emotional and my skin breaks out when its "that time of the month" and I hate when that time comes around but no one else needs to know. Not even my girlfriends.
    Although, I know it is hard for men to understand the way we feel - it's something they will never experience. Just like I'll never experience what it's like to have a boner at inconvenient times. Gotta cut them some slack girls.
    Anyway, lots of shit annoys me about all sorts of people. People are just shit in general. But the biggest thing that irks me is straight up bitchy bitches. Those who think they are so high up above anyone. I find majority of males aren't like this, it is totally a divide between sexes.
    All my best friends are males. I don't understand my own gender.
    Thing that annoys me about guys is if you pay them attention purely as two humans conversing, they often think you're into them. If you're nice to them, they think you wanna fuck.
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  12. I hate how the binary sexualization of our species and that of many other crown eukaryotes results in morphological differences that extrapolate into cultural and political differentiations that are unnecessary to fulfill the original evolutionary efficiency of genetic recombination and often result in egregious discrimination and even overt abuse.
    Oh, and bitches.  
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  13. #53 Dude Man Bro, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2013
    I hear what you're saying, I do, but there is one thing I'd like to add:
    Fuck bitches.
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  14. After taking it under advisement, I amend my previous assertion to include "Fuck bitches".  
  15. White knights on this forum are annoying as hell, i agree, half of them don't even know they're doing it which is the most annoying part of all, i'd hate to see you stand up for some chick because a dude says he doesn't like the color of her jeans or some stupid white knight bullshit we all know would transpire.
    Besides, us men are brutes, we beat the fuck out of each other in real time, women can't exactly do the same to each other or to men for the most part, they have to use their brains a lot more in social situations and just in general, i believe, so when you come to a place like this, being a place where the only thing that counts is your thought process, they are more then capable of standing up for themselves, probably a lot more capable then some shit head white knighting anyways. 
    Obviously this isn't the case for everyone but if you take shit off a forum to heart you probably shouldn't be on the internet, this is a relatively censored place, even for adults. 
  16. thank you, most women like this have no time to cultivate a personality because everything's been handed to them based on their looks, which is common today.
  17. Girls - Any chick that acts like a man, but doesn't wanna take it like a man, eg. woman punches man with knuckledusters yet expects him to stand there and get whooped.

    Guys - Any guy that posts 'off to the gym' every damn day (kinda goes for girls too, but mostly men do it) 

    I'm too stoned to think about things I dislike, I'd rather think about pie at the moment.
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    Holy shit, does the knuckledusters thing happen a lot?  I'm re-entering the dating scene after long marriage, and now I'm scared.
    I agree with the pie.  
  19. If there's one thing I can't stand it's that people who feel the need to associate certain traits with a gender. If someone does something stupid, it annoys me period.
  20. No that was an in the moment, stoned idea hahaha, but jokes aside, women can get super aggro on men too.

    Everyone agrees with pie, pie is awesome.
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