Official Chat Thread (**Read the rules before posting, or else!**)

Discussion in 'General' started by *guest, Oct 26, 2011.

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  1. Well guys, let's give this another shot.

    This thread is on probation. If it becomes a big problem, it will be axed.

    If we see some rule-breaking posts, we will
    temporarily close the thread while we review the last several pages and deal with whatever needs moderating. This will not always be fast, remember that mods have lives too. :p

    If people start causing drama whenever this thread is temporarily closed, then it will probably not be re-opened.

    Here is a link to the GrassCity Rules

    You would be doing yourself and everyone else a favor by taking a few minutes to read them and refresh your memory. They were updated just a couple months ago, so there may be changes that you weren't aware of.

    So, now that we got all that out of the way...

    Let's party!

  2. #2 catfish swiming, Oct 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2011
    1st post

    By the way THANKYOU SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Ballsack this will be fun
  4. stoned eating a snickers

    thinking about how space is infinite and there are no boundaries
    sup with you guys
  5. derpderpderp lets chat guys derpderpderp
  6. Oh uh by the way. in response to the visitor message you left me, Yes. I do smoke Marijuana :hello:
  7. moooooooooooo mix
  8. in4firstpage

    hai guyz :wave: good night so far?
  9. Is this the ole dead hours thread?
  10. like your sig. Call me crazy for liking the fact that her nipples are hidden. They are like mystery nipples. I'm always guessing what her nipples look like.
  11. I also thought i was going to leave. But when Grasscity calls... You have to answer :D
  12. Nah, It's the new any hours thread. :p:smoke:
  13. Man I haven't smoked in weeks :(
  14. ^ I know how you feel. Its been about 4 days for me. 4 days too long
  15. Been almost 3 hours for me, shit :smoke:
  16. hello every one
  17. im kinda new here so what do we do in this thread?
  18. Hooray :yay: Just saw this :D thanks JD!

    sno - General chat. Like, how was your day, etc. etc.

    Thanks to the admin/mods for making this possible again :)
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