Pancakes Or waffles

Discussion in 'General' started by SuperSilverHaze, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. pick your favorite

    i gotta say pancakes :D
    [ame=]YouTube - smoke and a pancake[/ame]
  2. waffles all the way :D. waffle house is the shit.
  3. Waffles win, no doubt. They even have all of the little squares that hold syrup perfectly. Not to mention, you can do em up belgian style. yeahhhh

    EDIT: I forgot about Crepe's. Waffles win over pancakes if they're made up plain style. But a thin pancake stuffed with jelly and some powder sugar on top, mmm, it's a close call.
  4. Waffles. They're good with syrup or jelly.
  5. Waffles are better, the squares are like pockets or something to hold the syrup and butter, it's like an improved pancake.
  6. pancakes are definitely the way to go.
    a waffle is great every now and then though
  7. pancakes! they are soft and fluffy to eat
  8. waffles because they have little pools for syrup mmmm:yummy:
  9. 1.French Toast
  10. #10 Violet, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2009
    tough choice, but waffles!!

    chocolate chip waffles specifically.
  11. Waffles man, chocolate chip waffles with peanut butter in the middle is fucking epic/
  12. damn alot of ppl like waffles lol
  13. I think it's hard to compare the two. I like them both. Sometimes I'd rather have a pancake, sometimes I'd rather have a waffle! :p

    As far as good pancakes go, though, I hope everyone who lives near Portland has gone here;



    And they're open 24 fucking hours!
    There's nothing like going there at 3am and getting a strawberry hotcake covered in a good inch or so of fresh strawberries with a side of awesome fresh cut hashbrowns.

    Oh lord, I'm drooling just thinking about it. :yummy:
  14. [​IMG]


    I think the victor is clear
  15. Get waffles, Butter and peanut butter :D
    Or jelly to?

    Ahh forgot how my grandma used to make em for me lol

    Wow..I havent had waffles in ever
  16. Waffles fa sho! I love 'em with peanut butter, fruit, butter and syrup, damn near any way. But nothing beats chicken and waffles...

    eggs, bacon still kick all breakfast ass, though

    and hamburgers . . . king of the food empire
  18. WAFFLE

    and king of the food empire is a hamburger with waffle for buns. a waffleburger, if you will.
  19. waffles with REAL syrup are so fuckin good. but you can put berries and shit in pancakes.

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