How Long After Wisdom Teeth Until You Can Smoke

Discussion in 'General' started by rawtunes, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. I got my wisdom teeth out March 27 about 2 weeks ago and I know smoking after getting them out can cause dry sockets something I dont want at all
    but with 4/20 coming up I want to make sure Ill be healthy to smoke

    for those that have had their wisdom teeth out, how long did you guys wait until you smoked?
  2. I smoked as soon as I got home.

    Not sure how long your supposed to wait..sorry if this doesn't help any :smoking:
  3. id say wait until they stop hurting?
    or when they arent bloody anymore.

    fuck that, just spark up right now:smoking:
  4. #4 weflyhigh, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2009
    I used a gravity bone to push the smoke in my mouth so there was no suction from when I got home and until about 4 days later. After that I went back to my bong/pipe and smoking cigarettes and I was fine.

    EDIT: I would also keep the gauze in your mouth for the first few times.
  5. like other people i smoked as soon as i got home i just used a bong and had somebody fill it for me then took the hit very slowly...
  6. u cant SMOKE weed

    but they said nothing about VAPORIZERS!!! :D
  7. I'm pretty sure when I got mine out they said to hold off a week. At 2 weeks you should definitely be good. Toke on, brotha:smoking:
  8. Edibles my friend :)
  9. My friend smoked a blunt with me a few hours after he got home from getting his removed, he got really fucked up.
  10. approximately t-minus 30 seconds.
    haha no clue i got mine out a year ago and i just sat around, ate pills, and messed around with my gf.
    give it three days and you should be set... be careful about other shit though part of my jaw bone fragmented and came through the incision which was kinda cool but then again i'm perfectly content with looking at my hands for long periods of time. :smoking:
  11. yeah I thought about eating, but my friends have some really dank homegrown that I want to sample
    using that to cook would just be a waste
    and yeah Im thinking its been long enough and will for sure be good by 4/20

    thanks guys
  12. okay if its been 2 weeks since u got it done ur all good.......unless you had major complications or dry sockets ur fine.....
  13. What kind of pills did they give you? I gotta get mine cut out,
  14. I smoked before I went and when I got home. I passed out in the waiting room but no matter, the job was done and I'm still here to tell the tale.

    Smoke away my proud beauty. :smoking:
  15. The reason you're not supposed to smoke after oral surgery is that the whole "O" face you make when you smoke may tear your stiches. Just be careful.
  16. 2 weeks and your golden. Any shorter than that and you have the chance of getting dry pockets. Same applies for getting your tonsillles out. I would know. ;)
  17. I would wait atleast 1 week before smoking anything after the surgery, if your wounds are still not healed and you smoke there is a chance that it could get infected and that would fucking suck:(. Mine were just removed this morning, I am planning on not smoking for another week and maybe 2 weeks just to be safe - because I am terrified of having an infection in my mouth.

    Good Luck to everyone in our situation!
  18. if your tooth is impacted it's very dangerous to smoke the first few days. smoke could cause a dry socket which would lead to a lot of pain and more dental visits. i got my only wisdom tooth out today. i really wanna toke but i might as well make this my T break for a few days =\
  19. never you can only smoke weed if you have your wisdom teeth, if you dont and take a hit you die..... seriously!!

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