Am I being a brat?

Discussion in 'General' started by Tinkerbell26, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. My mom told me i was being a brat bc i simply asked her why she wouldnt at least go half in with me on a cheap car to get from point a to point b. She said "you already USE my car whats the complaint?" i told her because she wont allow me to drive her car on my own and she sometimes doesnt "feel" like going out to hand out avon books or delivering orders. Right now i have 5 orders in my living room sitting around bc she doesnt "feel" like riding in the car(yes i will be driving all shed be doing is sitting) and delivering orders. Now i have 400 saved up (finally got my deposti back from when i lived in a campus apt ) and i saw a car for 800(a clunker i know but all i wanna do is get across town and to the next city 30 mins away) I have half but my mom refuses to help me with the other. I even offered to pay her back she still refuses and then called me a brat bc i called her unsupportive and unreasonable. I mean im TRYING to get a job and while i do that and take masters classes i sell avon to make ends meet while my stepdad sits on his arse not working bc hes waiting on the lord. She gave him 400 dollars to do with what ever he wanted with. I ask for 400 for something that is actually helping me move foward in life and she says no. I didnt throw a fit or even scream i just told her ever so calmly that she was unsupportive,unreasonable and a racist to boot(i half to walk a mile down the road to hand out brochures in a trailer park bc she wont let me drive over there bc we might get lynched..its an intergrated neighborhood..she refuses to go to the spanish speaking neighborhood bc she says mexicans are "nasty"! So yes i called her a racist with good reason. I guess ill just keep saving for the other 400 and hope the person doesnt sell the car by then. Wish me luck guys. Anyways do you guys think im being a brat honestly? I didnt think so at first biut her words got to me..i really wasnt trying to i mean i offered to pay her back.
  2. you dont sound like a brat at all. If i were you i would suggest getting a job (full time or part time if you could) i dont know how much you make doing avon, couldnt even guess, but if your struggling for $400 even a job at the grocery store or something iwll pay that much in 2 weeks at least if your part time, more for full.
  3. I've read your other posts, you aren't a brat.

    Your mother and stepfather are both unsupportive. To me it sounds like your mother subconciously knows you're the good in her life and she's very reluctant to let you out of it. She might not admit to it, and she might just be legitimately inconsiderate of your needs.

    Either way, from what I can tell you are a good person, and everyone who is a good person should know without a doubt that they are good at heart, because it only reinforces their character.

    You are remarkably patient. If I had the money I'd help you out, alas, I'm not much more than an 18 year old college student.

    I applaud your self-control, but there are limits to what I would take.

    Keep saving, if you can get the money fast enough, and buy something to get from point A to point B. Be careful of your mother though, she may be out to sabotage you once you start making moves to be more independent.

    Best of luck, you're in my thoughts.
  4. you're lucky to have a pair of shoes.
  5. Heres what you should do.

    Make her look at this not as "help" but as a loan.

    Type out a full agreement, with clauses (such as certain responsibilities, like maitenance, that need to be adhered to)
    Have specific payments, and dates they need to be paid, and if you feel like it even penalties for missed payments.

    This will make her look at this as not her little girl lookin for a free ride, or somebody stumbling into a situation they can't handle, and instead see you as a responsible, goal oriented young adult.

  6. You are clearly missing the point of the thread. If your mom has the money and still wont give it to you (even after you offered to pay her back) then you arent being a brat.
  7. Your Mom not wanting to help you out is 'just' an additional tool to have and keep control over you.
    With what you've been writing about her in the past aside from her crazyness her having (and keeping) you @ her house is a great convenience for her (and your step dad) since you do most if not all the cleaning etc.
  8. If you're over 18, like you should be to be on this site, then I don't think you'd refer to yourself as a brat.

  9. This is probably the best advise you'll ever get.

    Sadly i dont think it will help much, from what i've gathered by reading your other posts, your mom isn't the most rational person on earth.

    Rational arguments only work on rational people.

    Best of luck, if i had the money and could give it to you i would
  10. ^ ^ ^
    That is completely true, rationality for some may be taken as insult by others.

    If your mom is dead set on not helping you out, just take it as motivation to take your life in your own hands and accomplish something entirely on your own. Once you achieve your goal, it will reflect doubly on yourself because you acheived it entirely on your own.

    Stay strong, be smart, and remember that NOBODY has utter control over how oyu live your life.
  11. Is there a template online you know of i can follow?
  12. Dude I've read every one of your posts about your family
    How can you even believe what your mom says?!?! sorry but shes pretty much crazy
  13. i know but you know shes my mom and you always think twice about what your mama says even if it is crazy
  14. Ive read your other posts, and you most definitely are not a brat. Im sorry your mom treats you like that, but it seems that she jus loves the hell out of you and dont wanna let you go.
  15. Doesn't sound like you are being a brat but what can you do? You can't change a person's personality. I think you should look for a different job close to you, as in walking distance and save up money for your own car.
  16. You know you didn't have to ask us if you were a brat for asking that... It's obvious...

    I'd say come to the reality that your family is not helping you progress in life.. Do you want to end up like that? Keep living there and letting them control your life.. Or get out.
    Doesn't seem to be gettin better for you from your posts..

    Get a legit loan and a steady job and gtfo.
    Or if you want to go to school but can't afford it, theres so many organizations that you can get help from...

    Keep on keepin on girl :smoke:
  17. your mom is being the brat

    put her in time out

    she'll lear her lession

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