Handwriting of Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Barack Obama may speak volumes

Discussion in 'General' started by bkadoctaj, May 13, 2008.

  1. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-handwriting13-2008may13,0,6895285.story
  2. Interesting.

  3. I don't reckon that your personality is reflected in your handwriting.

    What they are analysing isn't really scientific, because their theories can't be falsified..proven to be false.
    All they're really doing is recognizing personality traits and associating them with aspects of someones handwriting, theres no definite connection...
    Thats what I reckon anyway. How could they prove that?
    If they could actually predict the personality of people they've never known or heard about or seen,then they'd be on to something, but they don't do that.
  4. Pretty biased towards Obama. Seems like a waste of space in the LA times IMO. Now people are going to be voting based on handwriting...:rolleyes:
  5. wow that's dumb, it's a handwritting, every ones is unique, america shouldn't be choosing a president based on their handwritting, they should be choosing based on what the person stands for.
  6. Handwriting is used scientifically: It's used in crime labs and for employment decisions. Though you may think your handwriting is unique, and it is, there are certain "tells."
    The fact that Hillary doesn't close her loop in the ending y of her first name, shows she's not sexually satisfied, at present.
    One can tell a rapist by their writing. One can tell a liar by their writing.
  7. thats the dumbest shit i have ever read.

    what about all of the people (as myself) who have dysgraphia?

    dygraphia means that your hand literally will not do exactly what your brain tells it to do.

    because of this syndrome, i was excused from all art projects in school.

    so when your hand wont even do what your brain wants it to do, this entire theory is nullified.
  8. If only we had this kind of reporting in 2000

    George W's handwriting:

  9. that is by far maybe the best post i've seen in days./...:D+rep..

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