My parents are hypocrites

Discussion in 'General' started by Ba1lz420, May 9, 2008.

  1. My dad was in a band during the 70's and was a huge stoner (from what my uncle tells me)
    and my mom was his grupie who smoked as well
    and now they try to tell me not to ever smoke weed.
    whats up with taht?
  2. they are just doin wat they think is right. if i had kids idk if i would want them to smoke weed.

    Edit: I would let them if they got good grades, but if their shit started slippin I'd take away privileges...
  3. i definetly agree with you.
    However i was caught smoking weed when i had a 3.6gpa and they grounded me for a month.....a MONTH
  4. my parents did the same shit my dad was also in a band in the 70s and he grew and smoked everyday. but he found my bong last week and grounded me for like 3 weeks. hypocrite parents is bullshit
  5. They may think back to those times and wish they hadn't been stoners....maybe thats why they are trying to 'protect you' from weed
  6. They obviously feel that they weren't being very productive back when they were smoking weed, and don't want you to do what they did because it isn't the 70's anymore. If you keep good grades and good priorities then maybe they will realize that you can be trusted with smoking weed.
  7. one for the parents:)...........go the old folks:D

    its not being hypocritical its called life experience.
    we,as parents,take responsipilities for our kids therefore regardless of my/our misdimeanors in our youth(plus still today,in my case anyway;)) we are only looking out for YOU.
    personally i've seen mates,friends of friends etc fall foul of drugs & all strarting with dope,some no longer with us some are still with us but not with us,know what i mean & thankfully some are with us and prospering ,living full happy lives, some still have a smoke but all the trips,ups, down,sideways,wideways,allways, have gone but not the memories.
    Then you have kids then reality bites big time, you have kids,what to do!...stop smoking, stop droppin acid etc:( start being responsible..............., the things parents do for the well being of their kids.....STOP SMOKING,STOP TRIPPING,ETC........selfish bastards eh!...

    so we're not hypocrites ;we're just pissed off we have you:D
  8. my dad is the same way. he used to smoke and do coke and all that shit, and now he acts like he's been a straight edge goody two shoes all his life.
  9. Turn 18, till then GTFO

  10. you talking to me?

  11. haha, ive always had the same suspicions, but ah whateva kids will be kids
  12. i dont think he was talkin to you

    n i dont think the OP is underage, she said that she did get grounded, not that she was grounded right now, its quite possible she's talkin about a past event

    as for the dude who just got grounded for a month..... yeah i dunno about him, if ur still gettin grounded at 18, u obviously need to lay down the law or somethin with ur parents,
  13. yeah my parents are looking out for me i get that.
    when i posted this i was in a bitch mood, im dry, still am, still in a bithcy mood.
    I think they'll warm up once i make it on my own

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