Robitussin Cough and Congestion question

Discussion in 'General' started by LostCause420, Oct 14, 2006.

  1. I just went to Wal-Mart and bought some of this instead of coricidin because ive been told it has harmful things in it. this stuff i have has the following active ingredients : Dextrrmethorphan (DXM) USP 10 mgs per 5 ml tsp and Guaifenesin USP 200 mgs per 5 ml tsp. How should i go about taking this? should i not take it because of the Guaifenesin? sorry if this is in the wrong place or somethin. peace.

  2. Yeah, this isn't really the right forum, but oh well. You need to specify whaty purpose you're taking this for. I mean, I assume its to trip, but there's always the possibility you god the sniffles. If it's the sniffles, reccomended dosage. If it's the trippin' erowid is your friend.
  3. I wanna trip. ill look it up in erowid. thanks.
  4. Just heard a story on the local news of four high school girls that used cough medicine to get high and all went to the emergency room

    But yes, would be your best bet for information

    May I suggest an alternative though man?


    Smoke it. Don't trip off the cough medicine. You will feel alot better :smoke:
  5. I would love to smoke weed but i am dry now and i need to catch a buzz dude. I just looked it up and it said that the stuff in it can cause naesua and vomiting. i dont think ill be tripping tonight
  6. you dont want anything other than DXM as the medical ingredient.

    get robotussin maximum strength, and make SURE that dxm is the only medical ingredient (which is the case with robotussin maxiumum strength)..robo-trippin is fun :)
  7. With that much guifenesin, you would either feel like absolute shit or end up in the hospital depending on how much you took. Look for stuff with only DXM as the active ingredient. Robitussin Cough Gels have 15mg DXM per capsule, those are pretty good.
  8. I dunno about DXM anymore. I've been using it once or twice a week since I've been on probation.The syrup taste bad enough the thought of it makes me gag. The trip either SUCKS or is AWESOME. They are never consistant with the effects, sometimes I lose coordination other times I don't. Sometimes I hallucinate, sometimes I don't.

    And last night is officially the last time I take it. I took about 600 mgs, I usually take 900 so I figured this will be nothing heavy something pleasent. An hour into the trip I start feeling really hot and itchy. I take my shirt off the entire top of my body is an entire big rash, I was burning up and couldn't stop scatching myself. I figured a nice cold shower would get my head straight, It felt great, I thought I was better. The second I stepped out the shower it was back to hell.

    Ruined my entire night, didn't even go out because the comedown gave me a massive headache.

    Another thing with DXM is when you have a sweet trip, when you come down all you think is "another bottle is only a few bucks I gotta get some".

    So it varies but DXM DEFNIATELY is not a recreational drug.

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