National Drug Propaganda... I mean "Drug Facts: Week

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by NefariousBredd, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. Drug Facts Week in full swing « Drug WarRant

    Mr Guither over at has some great facts he's been tweeting around:

    Time for government employees to earn their pay and actually regulate drugs rather than handing the job over to criminals. #drugfacts2011
    21 minutes ago

    Fact: Blacks are 13 % of drug users, 39 % of those arrested, and 57 % of those convicted. Real #drugfacts2011
    32 minutes ago

    Fact: Giving teens false scares on pot means they won't believe you when it comes to real dangers. Real #drugfacts2011
    3 hours ago

    Fact: You don't protect kids from drug abuse by locking up adults for drug use. Real #drugfacts2011
    8 hours ago

    Fact: Needle exchange programs save lives without increasing drug abuse. Real #drugfacts2011
    11 hours ago

    Fact: People don't need to die from heroin overdose (regulated dose maintenance, Naloxone) Real #drugfacts2011
    11 hours ago

    Fact: Strange addiction. 37 percent of pot admissions for treatment hadn't used in previous month. Real #drugfacts2011
    11 hours ago

    Fact: Psilocybin use can lead to more open, curious, intellectually engaged, creative people. Real #drugfacts2011
    11 hours ago

    What if we tested musicians for pot? Louis Armstrong, Willie Nelson, Bob Marley, Dizzy Gillespie…National Drug Facts Week Real #drugfacts2011
    11 hours ago

    The Drug War doesn't care about the life of your child. Legalize and regulate for safety. Real #drugfacts2011
    21 hours ago

    Fact: Marijuana has not been shown to cause mental illness. Real #drugfacts2011
    21 hours ago

    Every drug dealer arrest creates a new high-paying job opening. The same is not true of rapists. Real #drugfacts2011
    21 hours ago

    Fact: There's no compelling evidence that cannabis contributes substantially to traffic fatalities. Real #drugfacts2011
    21 hours ago

    Fact: Cannabis use is not linked to the so-called “amotivational syndrome” Real #drugfacts2011
    21 hours ago

    Fact: Since a tiny percentage are problem drug users, blanket enforcement wastes money and lives. Real #drugfacts2011
    21 hours ago

    Fact: for the vast majority of people, drug use goes away much easier than drug convictions. Real #drugfacts2011
    1 Nov

    Fact: you have a better chance of dying from an overdose of aspirin or water than cannabis. Real #drugfacts2011
    1 Nov

    Drug test to avoid hiring the next Steve Jobs, Freud, Michael Phelps, Barack Obama, or Carl Sagan Real #drugfacts2011
    1 Nov

    Fact: Prohibition is not regulation. Age restrictions only exist for legal, regulated drugs. Real #drugfacts2011
    1 Nov

    Fact: Most deaths attributed to heroin are, in fact, caused by black market factors. Real #drugfacts2011
    1 Nov

    Fact: More people have died from marijuana arrests than from marijuana overdoses. Real #drugfacts2011
    1 Nov

    Fact: Due to drug war, U.S. incarcerates over 5X more black males than S. Africa during Apartheid. Real #drugfacts2011
    1 Nov

    Fact: Talk to 800,000 arrested for pot each year re: Drug Czar's so-called “balanced approach” Real #drugfacts2011
    1 Nov

    DEA Judge Young called cannabis “one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man” Real #drugfacts2011
    31 Oct

    Fact: Study proves legalizing medical marijuana doesn't lead to increased teen use. Real #drugfacts2011
    31 Oct

    Fact: The government has known since 1974 that cannabis fights cancer. Real #drugfacts2011
    31 Oct

    Fact: For over 30 years, the federal government has been providing medical marijuana to patients. Real #drugfacts2011
    31 Oct

    Fact: The Drug Czar has been caught lying about drugged driving statistics. Real #drugfacts2011
    31 Oct

    Fact: The Drug Czar is required by law to oppose legalization efforts, regardless of the facts. Real #drugfacts2011
    31 Oct

    Fact: NIDA only supports research pre-intending to find negatives about drugs. Science? Real #drugfacts2011
    31 Oct

    Fact: Increased drug law enforcement leads to increased violence Real #drugfacts2011
    31 Oct

    Most marijuana admissions to the $20 billion treatment industry are criminal justice referrals Real #drugfacts2011
    31 Oct

    Fact: Prohibition makes drug use more dangerous. Real #drugfacts2011
    31 Oct

    Fact: Unlike most FDA-approved drugs, nobody has ever died from an overdose of marijuana. Real #drugfacts2011
    30 Oct

    Fact: Most marijuana users never use any other illicit drug. What gateway? Real #drugfacts2011
    30 Oct

    Fact: NIDA-funded study showed no increased cancer risk for even heavy cannabis smokers. Real #drugfacts2011
    30 Oct

    It's National Drug Facts Week. Teens are best served by real facts, not propaganda. Real #drugfacts2011
    30 Oct

    Just say know next week. Know all the drug facts and drug war facts, and not just the propaganda. Real #drugfacts2011
    29 Oct

  2. Wow, what a list! Good stuff, Nefarious. :smoke:
    And I'm a huge believer that if you lie to your kids about pot, you are actully harming them more. They're going to try it eventually. When they do, they're going to find out they've been lied to about cannabis. Then, they're going to begin to wonder if they've been lied to about other unmentionables, and that can lead to them trying other, more dangerous substances that they're just not ready to handle.
  3. Agreed. You need to be the one who educates your kids about drugs and what they can do . In every aspect of what drug use can do both the pros and cons. Even though its a kinda corny and over used phrase its does ring true: knowledge is power.
  4. One of the things people will have to get used too if Ron Paul is elected is that they can no longer expect the government to teach their kids morality or values,,parents have to be parents again.

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