Study strengthens marijuana brain damage case

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by chadddd, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. #1 chadddd, Aug 16, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2011
  2. propaganda if i've ever seen it
  3. its called bullshit
  4. ^^This, and GrannyStormCrow's got about a gazillion articles in her list to refute said bullshit. We know the truth, so it's all good. :smoking:
    • Like Like x 2

  5. fa shoooo
  6. Yeah so don't worry op your brain will be just fine.

  7. lol wasnt worried. just wanted to know the actual study.
  8. that's why we dont even have mmj over here - morons over here are completely fooled by that shit
  9. And why do you guys all know this study is bullshit exactly? The lack of intellect on these boards sometimes makes me want to stop smoking all together.
    • Like Like x 1

  10. B/c its been clinically proven in more than one study that even long term cannabis use has little to no effect on your brain. Not to mention THC is neuroprotective
  11. yeah if other people's intellect (on an internet forum) makes you want to stop smoking - you should stop smoking and suck a bag of dicks
  12. An article that doesn't cite its source is pretty worthless imo.
  13. wow i thought it this article was about how studying strengthens brain damage... goodnight.

  14. What exactly does a bag of dicks look like? Are they all neatly organized like baguettes in a brown bag or floppy and mushed together in a plastic bag? And then how does one go about sucking a bag of dicks? Do you suck them individually with care and attention or do you just go to town?
  15. The appearance of a bag of dicks is not standardized, as far as I know. Neither is the method by which a person should suck it.
    Knock yourself out.
  16. Pretty funny shit right there.
  17. GrannyStormCrow's obtained about a gazillion content articles in her checklist to refute mentioned bullshit. We know the truth, so it's all good.
  18. Well as far as I can tell from this article, it shrinks the amygdala meaning your more passive, and the hippocampus meaning short term memory is affected.

    Well shit, I didnt need an MRI to find that out!:smoking:

    This article is somewhat true but misleading and even fear-mongering by saying brain "damage" and that it shrinks your "brain" rather than parts of it; and mentions nothing of the permanence of these effects.:rolleyes:

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