Weed GamerTags

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by amish rasta, Jan 3, 2010.

  1. since i havent seen anyother thread about them i decided to make one.
    just post your weed influenced gamertag.

    mine's: Chronolith310
  2. lol i tried to make mine weed influenced but all of them were taken so i just put 420 in it so its grimlust420
  3. haha fuck it rie? haha still counts
  4. Rollatoke
  5. BloodBong333
  6. my friends is xking bud420x
  7. My 360 tag isn't drug related but my PSN name is RainOfAcid.
  8. I created a team for Gears of War, and it was called Alwayz HiGH.
    All you had to do was incorporate HiGH in your name.
    My GT is HiGH T0Pz, all I wear is Nike Dunks and I'm high a lot, so it stuck. lol
  9. Sncklfritz
  10. Hahaha, mines steezy nannerpus(a steezy[a.k.a. cool, stylin] banana). but i do hate when little kids make their gamertag something like iusevoicemaskingtolookcoolandold420

    and the 420 is added on there to make them look "cool" and "in the know" (im rocked. i totally dont know where these pphrases are somign from)
  11. i have dopeman586 and i slang rockz5
  12. my psn name is SuperSourDiesel
  13. Pass That Purp.
  14. Mine is pretty original.

    Super Dank Weed

    I get so many messages from random people commenting on my gamertag, lol.
  15. Sour Green
  16. Sgt stadanko. It's the cops name
    For cheech an Chong
  17. Solarrbowlarr. Hehe...

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