what do you think of my story idea

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by Nato Jenkins, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. A woman dies in an freak accident and she comes to find out that in the afterlife if you die earlier than you were supposed to you have to make up the missing time somehow. It turns out she wasnt supposed to die for another 6 months, So the clerk at the after life dmv assigns her to relive 6 months of a failed relationship she had.

    What do you think of the idea?
  2. lol brooooooooooooooskiiiii
  3. Sorry to say, not very original. the basic concept is the same as the afterlife waiting room in the movie "Beetlejuice" - and the DMV being "hell" has been done before. Then there's the Albert Brooks movie "Defending Your Life" which is somewhat similar as well.

    But hey, if you think you can make it work, go for it! Shit, I'm writing a "space opera" that's got concepts and ideas that aren't very original, it's all in the writing itself.
  4. Well , i couldnt think of a better word for an after life waiting area. The original part of my idea i think is having to relive a part of your life you didnt previously give any attention too.

    Like she went through this relationship and it ended and it didnt mean anything to her, But what if it did?

    We never know exactly how much some things will affect us in the long run. That person you broke up with 15 years ago couldve been your soul mate, only you were too stupid to realize it. So she gets to relive these 6 months and she finds out that she made a mistake. That this guy couldve and shouldve been the guy she ended up with.
  5. Sounds a lot like "Sliding doors" too.

    But again, go for it, don't let me stop you, just be aware that's all.
  6. #6 Nato Jenkins, Jun 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2011
    i just wikied sliding doors. Ok first off the movie i guess, just showed what COULDVE happened. My story states that this woman had a relationship that was meaningless in the past. Years later, she dies in a freak accident and is told that she actually was supposed to die in 6 months and needs to make it up in order to die on time. So to make up the lost time she is sent back to a point in her life that couldve used a little re examining.

    The end of the story turns out that her ex boyfriend had actually died in a freak accident too and he chose to go back and relive the relationship much in the same way that she went back to relive it. He had some time to make up for and so did she, it was just fate that they both ended up in the same place at the same time. So when she finally dies on time after having spent that 6 months discovering that she actually loved him, she finds out in that afterlife waiting room that hes there with her.
  7. Well OK then. Could be interesting
  8. Hey now, that's not cool. Constructive Criticism is fine, but just saying something sucks ain't cool man
  9. hahaha, chill out bro.
  10. I was at work dude its all good. But fyi I did get a letter published in the paper today sooooooo ....suck it! Oh yeah and my name was on the FRONT PAGE and i didnt have to commit a felony!

  11. Cool beans
  12. Just fucking write the book. And then post some of it here. And if it sucks, We will tell you, But if its good, We will also tell you. Just write it and try to make it the best piece of work you can.

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