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What's it like when you are drunk and high at the same time?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Xeonex, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. I always prefered getting high over getting drunk, but what happens when you do both?

    I would imagine you would feel stoned while even more retarded at the same time?
  2. You puke.
  3. Its.. Awesome. :cool:
  4. Makes me sleep.

    Edit- Or pass out. Same thing.
  5. your body feels numb, speech is extra slurred, you may feel tired or dizzy.

    its more fun the more often you do it
  6. Well for me its pretty awesome. It just makes me SUPER happy/dizzy. Id rather just smoke honestly though.
  7. its like feeling drunk and feeling high man
  8. cross-faded... one of the best words to describe it... sloppy.
    but its fun. just don't be trying to impress anyone that night ;)
  9. I used to smoke every time I drank, but I don't drink much anymore. It seems to multiply the drunkenness though. If you've never done it before, do it after a light buzz, don't do it extremely drunk.
  10. You feel like you're drunk and high at the same time.

  11. exactly don't do it extremely drunk. When I did I tend to get massive spins :mad:
  12. i know what it's like to be high but not drunk. I do not know what it's like to be drunk and not high. Im always high... i rarely get drunk though.

  13. This. I had 9 shots of Svedka then smoked a few bowls and I thought I was going to fall off the planet. Never had the spins worse than that.

    Smoke before you drink if you're going to do it.
  14. Pretty awesome but there's a fine line... too much and it's puke town.
  15. best way to get me to throw up.:mad:
  16. eat at joe's
  17. ^
    that right there says it all

    if im drunk, and then i proceed to smoke ....... im done for lol

    but if im baked, and proceed to drink... i feel good lol
    so i guess it just depends on the person :smoke:

  18. most people will say they feel fine if they smoke first and then drink.
  19. drunk and high...cros faded,

    if youre too drunk though room spins and if you cant handle the vertigo you'll puke...
    smoke before drinking if you must cross

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