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decarboxylated weed to smoke?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ReallyRed, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. #1 ReallyRed, Jan 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2011
    okay... so, i was jonsing the other day and at my patient's place tending to the plants. i was out and the plants currently under flower (though progressing nicely) are not even close to being ready, even for a test smoke.

    and after reading a couple articles about how there are a lot more potentially psychoactive compounds in cannabis than our favourite few (THC, CBD, etc.) as well as the notes in that article how decarboxylating (like you'd do for preparing to cook with it) can unleash the psychoactive potential of these other chemicals, i tried something.

    i took some leaves off a mother that's in the process of bonsai-ing (she was going to lose those anyway at the end of the trim) and i cooked them in the oven at the right temperature. (325f) i had about three bowlfuls after it all dried and crumbled (smallish bowls though.)

    now, i've smoked leaves before (it DOES help when i'm anxiety ridden and out of benzos, just, it doesn't get me "HIGH", more "slightly mellow.") but these didn't compare to what i've had before. it was like the first few times i've been high back in the day... and these were leaves of all things... not buds, leaves. (it boggled my mind when i realized "whoa... i'm actually STONED off this!?!")

    so, i was wondering... anyone out there want to run a test? take some buds, divide it in two, decarboxylate one and smoke the other... then, once you're sober enough, smoke the decarboxylated (or the other way around i guess.) and let me know if the buds will do this as well?

    just a thought since if there are some cannabinoids that we're missing out on for not preparing it properly, why not get the most out of the whole thing?

    and no, i'm not a light touch, but neither do i have a crazy-high tolerance. consider me an average smoker.

    EDIT: it is worth noting that the leaves had premature trichomes on them (they had a slight glittery look under the light) i left the ones with little of it on them and took the ones that had more. (not swollen like you'd see on the flowers though, just, little specks of light bouncing off them.)
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  2. I have heard about this before but i have never been brave enough to try it. If i had bud i would try it now but i just ran out last night :(
  3. We had a few threads on this last week I think. From what I read, there wasn't really a point to de carbing weed if you are JUST going to smoke it. There was a slight difference reported by some users, but it didn't seem statistically significant to warrant suggesting others decarb before smoking. For edibles, sure de carb away, thats how you make good edibles.

  4. hmm, it could have been a leaf-specific thing and/or maybe a different biological thing in my case (we all have slight differences, maybe mine is biochemically?)

    in any case, still it might be interesting to test this with both leaves and buds... get all science-like up in this shit :D

  5. agreed, this could be some interesting stuff. though im still working on this morning bowl, this new glass just hits too well:smoke:, so ill try the decarb later.

    it very well could be a leaf thing, then again after re reading what you did, it sounds like you just made edibles (salad) so maybe thats why it was awesome.

    hmm wonder how a thc salad with salad greens, mj leaves, and kief dressing vinaigrette would taste. maybe a red wine?
  6. It doesn't really do anything for smoking, it'll make it slightly stronger but not really noticeable, never done this but figure it'd work just the same, you could take a few hits through a vape (make sure it's a pretty hot temp) the weed will get stickier and clump together and stuff sort of melt, esp if you have lots of trichomes or some hash/kief in there, then you can dump it into your bong and hit it, same thing as decarbing in the microwave basically but a little simplier if you have a vape sitting around
  7. By applyling flame to a bowl you are essentially decarboxylating. In the case of edibles, by decarboxylating before it enters your stomach, there are initially more active psychoatives available to be absorbed by the stomach.
  8. okiee dokie. so, i guess if this is going to be all science-like, maybe some questions for those doing or having had done this.

    1. leaf, bud or mix of both?
    2. temperature decarboxylated at? for how long?
    3. microwave or oven?
    4. (optional, if leaf) were the leaves new, medium or old? (just forming, maturing or fully mature?)
    5. Strain? (if known.)
    6. rate the high 1-10 (1 being barely buzzed at all, 10 being "hello Mr Yellow Submarine! :D")

    for me?
    1. leaf.
    2. 325f about 5 minutes (until fresh leaves turned bone dry.)
    3. oven
    4. maturing (i know some growers will slap me for this, but she's a bonsai experiment so if she lives or dies, it's no real matter.)
    5. Grapefruit, feminized.
    6. three bowls gave me a high about 7 (i could still think but i was definately in outer space.)

    maybe if we get enough infomation in here, we could figure out something about our favourite lady or ourselves. (for me, it could very well be that i'm sensitive to a particular cannabinoid that's being released in the decarboxylating process which is in higher quantities as the plant is maturing it's leaves.)

    p.s. the girl that the leaves were taken from is still rocking on like a champ. she's going to be repotted sometime this month into a smaller pot (bonsai process.) also, i am aware that if you have a plant you shouldn't prune more than 1/3 of the total leaves at a time (give her a couple days to a week to recover if you want to do this again so you don't shock her too much.)
  9. Sounds interesting, but imo it's mind over matter.

    If I hand you a nug and say that this weed is going to make you super hyper, I guarantee many people would act more energetic immediately after smoking it.

    Sometimes it's just your mindset going into smoking a bowl. If it's good enough plant matter, it'll get the job done all on its own
  10. well, if is mind over matter then i certainly don't mind... tested again today and it's still working like before. ;)
  11. i tried it and i think it got me much higher. tossed a bowl size into the microwave for 2 minutes then shoved it in my pipe and smoked up.
  12. It's not really a case of mind over matter. He's well aware that leaves shouldn't cause him to be that stoned. No placebo effect there. He's not some patient being handed an unknown pill being told it'll do something specific to him.

  13. well, to be 100% clear, i'm not discounting a placebo effect which is why i'm asking others to try it and get back to me. if more people have this sort of experience, maybe there's something more to it than just a placebo effect.

    though, i will admit, the high did feel a little heavier than normal much like you'd expect from a nice deep hashish high... maybe the chemicals being activated by the decarboxylation are similar (or the same) to the chemicals that are more active in properly prepared hash? *shrugs*

    still, i will also accept that it could very well be a sensitivity to one of the lesser known cannabinoids or an interaction with something i've had in my system as of late... so, in the interests of trying to be scientific, i'm going to try a fast to clear out my system (hopefully) of what it could be that may be interfering with it... also going to test it with some regular buds from my guy next time i grab.

    still, i would like to see more people at least try it before drawing the conclusion that it is or isn't effective. it's not like it requires a large investment of buds nor is it such that you have to use a lot (such as making a batch of budder or whatever...) just, enough to fill a bowl much like one would normally have in their bong/blunt/pipe/etc.

  14. What I'm saying is that it -can't- be placebo because of the reasons I listed above. Unless prior to smoking you were 100% convinced that it would get you really stoned - it can't be placebo just due to the nature of it. I'm not saying that it does work, just that the reasoning, by definition, can't be placebo.
  15. I haven't done this myself yet but I plan to, I just usually never feel like cooking my bud when it comes time to smoke and just throw it in the bowl. It is suppose to work though, putting the flame to the plant matter will destroy things before 100% of the thc is activated. I didn't read the threads on here a couple weeks ago or when ever it was but I've read plenty of threads with people trying this and it working.
  16. The closest thing I've tried to doing this is microwaving the blunt for a little right before smoking it. Besides baking obviously haha. Now I really wanna try baking a g and testing it. Seems worth a try! :smoke:
  17. #17 Ammy, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2011
    I've done this previously with my MFLB - I was making brownies a few weeks back and thought what the hell might as well try...I then grinded it up put it in the trench, and WOWZA I felt a big immediate difference, of course to be completely fair I had also never vaped anything ground that fine before, so that's an added factor.

    But it makes sense to me that the decarbing actives potentially inactive cannaboids that would be bypassed by the quick heating of flame or the low heating from a vape, then it seems it would only allow for better potential smoking and vaping...I'd say its kinda like priming your weed? :cool:

    I dunno...I want an expert to weigh in, I've been all curious since I tried it. Havent even mentioned it to my more experienced friends, dont want the ridicule haha
  18. I have been decarbing my weed to cook with but have also been smoking it and I have noticed a difference in its strength - one small bowl yesterday morning kept me happy for over 4 hrs, so it's worth a try :D
  19. I have a wood stove in my house for heat. I find out in highschool that if i grinded my bud, then wrapped it in foil, and press it against the hot door of the furnace, the potency increased greatly. It made little cookies the size of pennies that fit in the bowl perfectly. Two cookies and you're gone. I didn't know the scientific reasons for this however, i was just screwing around.
  20. Reviving this thread because I'm experimenting with decarbing before smoking these two specific strains. They were not cured at all and the high seemed to be missing something, like it was strong in some ways and non-existent in others. The overall feeling was being high but having to stop and notice it. This is much different than being completely bakedy.

    I tried the oven first. Indica bud in an oven bag. 105c or so for 45 mins. Changed it like crazy. Now it is much stronger and also hits me behind the eyes, which is just the head element this bud was missing. Turned it into sleepy weed.

    The indica/sativa hybrid bud I put in the dehydrator at 130f for a few hours. It is much stronger now too. With a more fuzzy head high. Not at all sleepy. I like this bud twice as much now.

    I suspect that I will end up liking the dehydrator better than the oven for this. So far so good. I just have to come down so I can try the dehydrated indica.

    I will also experiment with re-hydrating to proper levels with orange peel or something.

    I look forward to going back to properly cured bud, but that will have to wait until my next harvest and a long cure.

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