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Cannabis Hallucinations, a real possibility?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheMunchinator, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Well basically last night, I Hallucinated like mad from Weed, and I'm very confident my weed was not laced, weed is almost never laced with anything, that's usually more myth than fact.

    Basically, I went over to my friend's house, and he showed me a fat 1/8th he'd picked up, the weed was EXTREMELY crystally, I mean this was some of the bombest look bud I'd seen in months, and I live in Winnipeg where awesome weed comes and goes all the time.

    Anyways, he offered some bongrips, so I took him up on the offer. His bong has a very large chamber, and I took one MASSIVE rip, I mean so large when I cleared the chamber my lungs were too full to take in all of the smoke.

    I managed to hold my rip for a good 5 seconds before I went on a three-minute long coughing fest (I literally coughed non-stop for that period). I was extremely high at this point, pretty amazed I got that stoned off one rip, so I took another after that, almost as large but I didnt cough nearly as much.

    After I took the rip, he offered me a shot of some random liquor he had on his dresser, it was like Diet Coke and Vodka that had been sitting their for a few days, I took one and a half shots of it, but it tasted disgusting so I ceased to take anymore.

    So I walked only a block till I was home, at this point shit got SERIOUS. I started feeling kinda sick, like nauseous but also very paranoid and twitchy.

    I decided I just needed some rest because I was too high to function, and it was like 7:00pm so that wasn't that unreasonable. So I walked into my bedroom, turned off the lights, changed into sleeping-wear, and layed down into my bed.

    Now shit got SERIOUS: I saw a huge moving purple blob form in front of my eyes, on the top of my bedroom ceiling. It looked like a morphing ball of pitch-black tar with a purple aura around it, with LSD-esque, fractal patterns spiralling out of it from all directions. Then faces of people started morphing out of the blob and launched towards me only to fade when they came within inches of my eyes. I saw the faces of Barack Obama, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, and some of my friends, that was probably what made it so unsettling was the utter identifiability of these faces.

    I quickly sprung out of my bed in a paniced state, went into my bathroom, and made myself throw up for about 5 mins. After I finished puking, my high went down a lot and the hallucinations completely subsided, even after going back into my bedroom with the lights off.

    Soooo, WTF happened exactly???

    TL;DR: Smoked huge bongrip, turned off lights in bedroom and hallucinated a purple/black morphing blob with spiralling patterns coming out of it as well as morphing into the faces of Jimi Hendrix Obama and Kurt Cobain.
  2. If you smoke some bomb it can definitely remind you of an lsd trip, this has happened to me a couple of times and make me look like a tool... It happens, don't need to smoke that much of the bomb mate!

  3. why you buggin man?

    sounds like you had a legit experience. maybe you shoulda chilled and went the flow
  4. It's kind of hard to "go with the flow" when you feel sick to your stomach and hallucinations are flying in your face. That vomitting part wasn't entirely forced, I felt extremely naseous it just took some effort to make myself puke.

  5. Gotta listen to the seasoned vet, maybe you should've went outside and bugged out and enjoyed some free ganj visuals.
  6. I have had experiences where I had auditory hallucinations and distorted visuals of things that were actually there after smoking really good weed. However, I've never heard of anyone having a visual hallucination that consisted of something that wasn't there, unless they had taken LSD or shrooms. I'm wondering if the "alcohol" on his dresser was really even alcohol. How long did the hallucinations last? It seems a bit sketchy. :confused:
  7. 1. Minus -26 degree Celsius weather where I live coupled with mountains of snow.
    2. I have been smoking weed for 9 years I think i'm seasoned enough to know how to handle myself... I THINK.

    I definitely should have smoked less but its hard to say no to my friend he bitches hard when people dont finish their rips, and what can i say it was free!

    anyways im gonna go and jam, enjoy your highlives.
  8. Yeah same here. Pretty much the only hallucinations weed gives you is like you hear shit and things look different or funnny or you have a flashback memory that might not have really happened. You don't see shit unless you're on shrooms or lsd or the deemster.
  9. They lasted like 15-20 mins I'd say, the alcohol was definitely alcohol just disgusting aspartame laced shit mix. Maybe it was flashbacks, I've used a lot of mushrooms and acid in my past so i wouldn't be surprised if that much Cannabis just gave me flashbacks, Idk wtf happened but it was pretty cool actually, in retrospect.
  10. Was sleep deprivation a factor? I've found it to be a strong hallucinogen of its own nature.

  11. ok well you are more seasoned, i give you that my good man. im just saying your opinion of the experience seems to be that it was bad all around. The first half sounds shit ill agree with you there. i feel like if it was me i wouldve thrown on some tunes when i went to bed and possibly enjoyed myself, and just tried to relax a little and gotten some shut eye.

  12. this

    ?(<<<fifth character was needed)
  13. Oy didn't mean to step on toes mate. With some strains, like I mentioned in one of my posts above, it can bring you back to trips even shroom but generally lsd (as the thc molecule resembles lsd very very slightly). That sounds like some biting cold weather it's 43 and rather decent out here, great nights for toked walks.
  14. Idk man but if you were as sketched out by the whole experience as you make it out to be, I wouldn't overlook that nasty shit you drank at his house. Who knows what that could have been?

  15. maybe that shit was straight everclear not vodka
  16. sometimes I get paranoid after I smoke weed.

  17. Ha, his friend knows how to party :rolleyes:
  18. I have yet to hallucinate off weed :/ But it's without a doubt possible xD
  19. Since you claimed to of used mushrooms and LSD a few times before, then hell ya you can easily hallucinate from weed. Ever since I dosed a huge a LSD trip I haven't come down. When I smoke weed every thing breathes and I know exactly what you mean by seeing peoples faces, with every detail perfectly in your mind.

    I suffer from HPPD and even when i'm sober I get intense patterning and moving peripheral vision. I used 2c-i alot so it might be from that alone.:smoke:

    You have to go with the flow though, you can't fight a trip cause your seein the truth, and your mind can't block it.

  20. That makes sense, I can see how smoking weed could give you flashbacks if you've done a lot of LSD in the past. I was thinking it was peyote you drank at first but that would have been one long trip haha!

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