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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Crash Bandicoot, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. Did any of you have it when you first started but it went away over time? For me sometimes I get a bit paranoid because my heart starts beating faster but I've heard thats normal so I think i'll be good next time I smoke.
  2. the paranoia will always stay there, thats just part of the way weed works. but u learn how to hand your paranoia as experience builds
  3. I used to be paranoid as shit when I first started.
    Now I'm not at all.
    Unless I'm driving down the road hittin' a onie and see cherries in the rear view....even if I'm not getting pulled over.
    Then I go into a mild panic, but...
    I think the paranoia will tone down as you become a more seasoned toker.
  4. the closer you are to your tolerance limit the more paranoid you will get (if you are a paranoid person in general because otherwise youll just be nicely-stoned)
  5. I'm a paranoid person sober, and weed def enhances that. you just gotta learn to handle your shit. When i first started, i would go into Wendy's and litteraly be "that guy" who is stoned as shit and everyone can tell.

    I would freak out about whether or not my friends could hear what im thinking, or even if i was thinking at all, that i was just saying everything that i was thinking. i couldn't tell lol. all part of an anxiety attack.
  6. I think you were just extremely paranoid. When I first started, I use to think that way, too. Hated going somewhere in public high, because I would think everyone knew I was high. I would start hearing everyone's conversations and can tune out and pick which conversation I wanted to tune in on, too. Weird shit, that paranoia. Now though, I put in eyedrops before I smoke, and aside from driving, I don't get paranoid. I'm always paranoid when I drive stoned. Especially if I see a cop car...even if it is on the other side of the freeway.
  7. Or you can just invest in a pair of sunglasses, No one will be able to tell anything.
  8. they can maybe tell if ur voice is all lazy sounding, plus its kinda weird and suspicious walking into McDonald's asking for a shitload of food with sunglasses on [​IMG]
  9. Lmao! Man, that brought back so many memories. I think we've all been in this position. When I first started smoking I would always be paranoid when I was "that guy" now I just find it fucking hilarious.
  10. QFT.

    I remember going to walmart and buying lysol (lol) with my friend. We were standing in line at 1 in the morning, stoned as shit. Now if you have ever been to walmart in the early morning/late night, you know they only have one line open, and there are alot of weirdos going at that time to shop.

    I heard this one group of people saying how funny "he" looks and stuff and I automatically thought they were talking about me. I geeked. bad. :wave:
  11. To this day I still get paranoid. Not all the time, but from time to time I'll get paranoid about legit situations, and not just about little shit.
  12. It happens to everyone occasionally, some more than others, you just gotta know its all in your head and once you accept that and take some deep breaths then you can calm down.:cool:
  13. no, i think youre going to have a heart attack! call 911 immediately!
  14. I was never paranoid, even when I first started smoking. But then again, I've always known I couldn't die from it and I'd be fine no matter what my mind tells me.
  15. Yep, just gotta think happy thoughts man. If I can stop it so can you :), I have general anxiety disorder and I toke.

  16. Yeah, you gotta be in the right mindset. If you're a little paranoid before your smoking, expect it to be worse after you smoke.
  17. Give less of a fuck.
  18. I'm a paranoid person regularly, and I'm a heavy, regular smoker...I still get mad paranoid. I try very hard to keep cool, but me trying to be calm just makes me think about it more and...(should I note my severe anxiety issues? lol)

    We just got our MMJ cards and I'm somehow MORE paranoid. It's like I get all "I can't trust this little card to protect me, why are you all so calm!?!?!"

    Last night we were blazed as shit and someone knocked on our door. In my head I was SCREAMING it...and then I guess I SCREAMED it out loud too.
    "SOME! ONE! IS! KNOCKING~!!"... grabbed the bong, the jars, everything and LEAPT into the bathroom to hide. I came out and everyone was laughing their asses off at me. I thought it was the landlord but it was our neighbors asking for food coloring cause they were making cupcakes...paranoia, man. Wtf.

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