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The "convince my mom weed is harmless" thread

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by outofgum, Jul 16, 2009.

  1. So today, my mom somehow found out I smoke, and she basically guilt-tripped me the whole conversation and now I feel like shit. She promised me she'd be a LITTLE open-minded about learning about the REAL facts about weed, and all that.

    So I turn to you, GrassCity.

    Help me find the best documentaries, graphs, news articles, anything that shows the REAL reasons why marijuana is illegal, and how it REALLY compares to alchohol, cigarettes (she's an active smoker.)

    I really need alot of good and interesting links here, guys, so please don't hold out on me.

    Thanks for any help, I appreciate it and I really hope this works.
  2. just watch The Union.

    google it its in google videos

    its everything you just asked for in a 1:45 min documentary
  3. That was the first thing that came to mind, but I really need more news articles (by legit resource) like that, alot of everything really.

    Thanks, guys.
  4. the documentary like ticker tapes a resource when they bring up a new topic

    write a couple down and show her.

    i dont know any articles off hand
  5. #8 Raoulnai, Jul 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2009
    NORML is one of the best resources i have found, browse there sight and you can find mounds of info
  6. I myself wouldnt say it is harmless, I mean it generally is a bad idea to inhale burning plant material into your lungs. That being said, it is way less bad than alcohol and cigarettes. Go to wikipedia's article on it at "cannabis (drug)" and go down to health issues seaction and there is a really good graph comparing marijuana to other drugs, in both harm to the body and addicitivness. Read the part of the article relating to the health issues and anything else relevant and also click on the "main article: Effects of cannabis#Long term effects" link.
  7. I don't know about you guys, but I found "Super High Me" to be informative.. Plus, go to the library and check out "The Emperor Wears No Clothes"... It's a great read about Marijuana and shit..
  8. go to google and type in norml go to the website it has true facts like the fact that cannibis attacks and kills cancer cells after seeing that your mom might even toke up with you lol
  9. Here's a link to Granny Storm Crow's links to medical studies:
    Granny's List

    It's full of all sorts of studies about how marijuana effects the body. I even like browsing through to learn more about herb! Definately there's the place to check out.

  10. The Washington Post is a pretty well respected paper, and if you wanted to push the argument that it's safer than alcohol or cigarettes, you could definitely use this article.
  11. Guys, another thing to mention is that my mom suffers from "ulcertive colitis," anything that relates this sickness to marijuana in a positive way would also be greatly helpful.

    Thanks alot for the links so far guys, keep them coming please.
  12. Pull a 1-hit K.O.

    Watch The Union.
  13. This. Anything else is just icing on the cake.
  14. #18 Decimotox, Jul 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2010
    Ulcerative Colitis and Marijuana

    This link describes a case of colitis and effects marijuana had on it.

    While the story ends in somewhat of a mystery, it suggests that marijuana may help the colitis go away, and the marijuana DEFINITELY helped alleviate the symptoms of the colitis.

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