How to make autoflowering grow horizontally not vertically?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Taylored, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. What plant training would help with this? I don't want to have plants growing into my light, and the cabinet isn't too big.
  2. Study LST. You can grow hedges with a dozen colas on each plant.
  3. scrog... if not familiar with it, check out the journal forum. not sure if anybody does it with auto.. may be worth checking out.
  4. The guy above must have missed the autoflower part because you do not want to top or fim an autoflowering plant. Doing so will stunt the plant and lower the yeild, not increase it. I dont know from experience, but this has been the consensus from what i have read.

    For getting your plant to grow horizontally you need to LST after the 3rd or 4th node. Some like to let the top grow back up during flowering. Another way I've seen is letting the top grow straight up, but LST the side branches out so there is a wider canopy.
  5. he did. i think he was high or something. he fixed it though.

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